More LDS stuff

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

A couple Mormon jokes..

Q: Whats the difference between LDS and LSD?
A: One you take with a cube of sugar, the other you take with a grain of salt

Q: What do you get when you cross a Mexican with a Mormon?
A: A guy with a basement full of stolen food.

Someone very kindly forwarded me a link  to one LDS wards effort to get its members to standardize on an emergency communications plan. The local leadership here did that a couple years ago. They sent a few of their people to sit in on the local ham radio class and when it was over they asked about what they would need to set up their own communications network for emergencies. The guys in the ham club told them that there would already be a network in place using local ham guys. The church guys hemmed and hawed, not wanting to come right out and say that what they wanted was their own emergency network. Flash forward a year or two and Im at the LDS cannery and they have some radio gear hooked up to a battery backup system and a map of Montana with all the fellow LDS licensees noted on it. Im tellin’ ya, these guys have it together. SPeaking of….

YouTube a popular medium for food storage enthusiasts – article video

You know, Im not purposely trying to be a cheerleader for these people. While theres things I like about their religion theres things I dont as well. I just think its so damn cool that theres a large group of people who have the desire to take this sort of thing seriously enough that they have their own food production facilities, canneries, etc, etc.