Conspiracy vs. cockup

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

When you’re interested in the sorts of things that you and I are interested in you invariably run into people who take things a wee bit too seriously. Case in point, a comment I received a few posts back saying that the CA mail-order ammo ban is part of a New World Order plan to disarm and depopulate the world for the corporations and bankers.

I don’t know where to start with this. Does someone really believe there is a board meeting at Nabisco and Wells Fargo with executives saying “Yes, profits are up and we anticipate some negative growth in the next quarter but, more importantly, hows our plan to depopulate Australia coming along?”

The latest rage is believing that the H1N1 vaccine is actually a .gov plan to depopulate the US and bring populations down to sustainable levels. Right…because .gov doesn’t already have a hundred different ways to do that? “But..but..but that’s why they exempted the drug manufacturers from liability! So when the ‘surplus population’ is killed they won’t be liable!” Right…sure it is. For every one of these theories there’s an equally plausible (albeit not always sensible) alternative. I may think the vaccine was not given as rigorous and thorough testing and development as previous vaccines but that isn’t the same as thinking its some sort of human pesticide.

Does that mean there aren’t conspiracies out there? Of course not. But heres the thing, I look around me and see dozens more empty storefronts than I did last year, employment is at 10%, gold is hitting record highs, I still have a hard time getting ammo, winter is coming, the terrorists are still terrorizing and somehow all that is less real than the notion that some Bilderberger Illuminati TriLateral New World Order of ‘banksters’ and UN globalists is out to control the planet? Seriously?

“Cockup vs. conspiracy” – never attribute to conspiracy what is more likey to be attributable to a simple screw up. You run over a nail and your front tire blows. This is a case of:
a) simple bad luck
b) a multinational global conspiracy by ‘Big Tire’ to increase sales and create a corporate oligarchy for the Firestone dynasty that the puppet is complicit in.

Most of us, I would hope, will answer “a”.

Do I believe the Obama administration may have plans to roll out new gun control? Sure. Do I think its because he’s the mouthpiece of a backroom cabal of international corporate and political interests intent on disarming America so their troops can seize American resources and enslave us all with microchips implanted in our hands –or- do I think its because gun control is historically a plank in the Democratic platform? Wow..tough call…tough call.

To be sure, there are conspiracies out there. But, really, some of these more outlandish ones do nothing but detract from the ‘real’ (or ‘more real’) threats and problems we face. I suspect I’d be better served preparing for extended economic malaise, or pandemic-related infrastructure failure than I would be by preparing to repel masses of Nepalese Ghurkas in UN berets marching down Main St. to the strains of “L’Internationale”.