I have a roadtrip to do next week. I’ve made my list and am checking it twice… its pretty hard to get into trouble when youre on interstate all the way. Rest stops every 20 miles, a McDonalds every other exit, etc, etc.

But, not taking any chances, I am packing gear ‘just in case’. Could get stuck in snow, might lose a fuel pump in the middle of the night, etc, etc. And , of course, the ever popular getting-held-up-at-a-rest-stop-bathroom.

So, the ubiquitous backpack with sleeping bag, water, flashlight, first aid, ammo, knife, gun, GPS, etc, etc.
From the ‘Duh! Ya think?’ Department comes this: Terroris attack before elections … rocket scientists. We pay people to come up with this stuff?

Of course theres going to be a terrorist attack (or attempt) before the elections. Spain was a textbook example of a successful terrorist attack, why wouldnt someone else try that here? Time to do some threat assessments, people….oil storage tanks or chemical plant in your immediate area? May wanna keep the truck packed and ready to go on a moments notice.
“There is but one answer to terrorism and it is best delivered with a Winchester rifle”…attributed to T.R.
On the other hand, I believe it was Heinlein who said that “The price of freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, at any time, and with utter recklessness. ”
But, back to the issue of gearing up for Ragnarok…….

The Tactical Tailor pack that I got to examine last week is now high on my list of acquisitions. That kinda quality for only $110 is a bargain. A. Freakin’. Bargain.

1 thought on “

  1. road trip?

    a camper’s “porta-pot” is well worth having along. as for “targets” depends on whom are the terrorists, even ones whom create trouble to get their man elected!
    anybody ever noted “9/11” is like dialing “911”? and do note there are Americans whom would kill Americans and profit by mis-direction as to whom did what to whom for.
    beware of “smoke and mirrors” in your futures!

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