Thoughtful readership

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

I got a very thoughtful letter in the mail today, along with a generous gift, from someone who stops by here and reads my ‘brain droppings’ (As Geo. Carlin would describe them) and wanted to give an ‘attaboy’. That was just darn thoughtful and I appreciate it.

I pretty much write for myself. I write about what I’m interested in, in regards to preparedness, and I enjoy having an outlet for those opinions and a way to interact with other like-minded individuals. My goal has never been to make a ‘career’ out of this sort of thing (not that theres anything wrong with that. I think making a career out of writing is practically a dream job…right up there with being a stress tester for Victoria’s Secret)…its just something I like doing and that gives me some satisfaction. This is why if someone takes offense with something I say, I’m not terribly concerned. By and large, Im not writing anything here to try to appeal to an audience…I just write what I like and if folks like it or dislike it, well, thats fine too. Im no expert, leading authority, or knowledgeable source…I’m just a guy with some opinions, an internet connection and a slightly out-of-the-ordinary perspective on things. A nice by-product of that is that since Im not really too concerned with who I offend I can be as honest as I want without worrying about ‘revenue loss’. So, lucky you, the unvarnished truth as I see it is what you can look forward to.

I enjoy writing and I especially enjoy the challenge of conveying an idea as precisely and accurately as I can using what I know of the English language. Sometimes, in my humble opinion, I write some pretty darn good stuff. Other times…well…me not write so goodly.

But…it’s something I enjoy and if you agree or disagree with the things I say at least we both get something out of the deal – you get some entertainment and I get a soapbox. Win-win all around, that. Of course, if you take away something more than just entertainment, then I’m very flattered and more than a little pleased.

I’m not fishing for compliments here or anything like that. I just figured that I never really addressed why this blog is here and this seemed like a good moment to expand on that a bit.

And, again, thank you to those of you, today and previously, who have contributed their ideas, comments and,yes, money towards things here. It’s a nice shot in the arm to get that kind of support from time to time.

Okay, enough touchy-feely. Time to man up and clean some guns!