Article – Bubbling Up From the Earth, a Cool, Clear Gift

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

A  nice article about artesian wells. I had heard the term in the past but it was interesting to read exactly how an artesian well differs from other types of wells. An artesian well figured prominently in the classic post-apocalyptic novel “Alas Babylon”. I remember as a kid drinking from fountains that had water that smelled as artesian water is supposed to smell – like rotten eggs because of all the dissolved minerals – but I dont think Ive ever come across an artesian well here in Montana. Perhaps our geological makeup doesnt lend itself to it. I’ve seen plenty of natural hot springs out here, but I dont think Ive encountered any artesian wells. If they do exist here, they’d certainly be a nice asset to have on a piece of property. Anyway, its a fascinating article and worth reading.