Article – The Myth of Homegrown Islamic Terrorism in the U.S.

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Here’s an article from Time’s website:
The Myth of Homegrown Islamic Terrorism in the U.S.
A lovely little hit piece that says the bigger problem in America isn’t homegrown jihadists, but rather the easy availability of guns.
One little gem is this line:

Though acts of violent extremism by U.S. Muslims appear to have grown, their potency has not.

Or, to rephrase it, yes we have more incidents of violent extremism but thats okay because theyre largely ineffectual. Doesnt it seem to you that that is not the same as homegrown Islamic terrorism being a myth? This is like saying domestic violence isnt really on the upswing because even though we’re getting slapped around more its leaving less bruising.
The true threat, as the last paragraph tells us, is…well…you and me:

The U.S. faces far bigger and immediate challenges to the welfare and security of its citizens, not least from the ease with which unstable individuals can legally obtain and use deadly firearms. Addressing that danger will do more to protect Americans than obsessing about the phantom threat of homegrown terrorism ever will.

Amazing stuff, isn’t it? Theres a smoking crater in downtown Manhattan and for ten years we’ve had people running around third-world deserts but what we should have been doing, apparently, is worrying about whackjobs buying guns.

Theres a myth in that article but it isnt about terrorists.