Article – The “Safest” States in the United States

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency keeps track of the number of declared emergencies in each state. This doesn’t exactly equate with least dangerous places to live, but it is interesting to note that since 1953, Rhode Island, Utah, and Wyoming have declared the fewest number of disasters with eight each.

On the whole, Montana has been, for me, a rather safe place to live. I’ve felt exactly one earthquake in 25 years, had no blizzards, and have just generally been living a queit and safe existence. Oh, 2000 was a remarkable year for forest fires and the town filled with smoke, but other than that….nothing.

Some say that they Yellowstone ubervolcano will begoing off soon and that anyone within several hundred miles will be toast, but I’m pretty skeptical.

This is not to say that Montana doesnt have its moments….there was a pretty big quake back in the 50’s, superstitious religions set up camp here from time to time, some parts of the state are getting pretty dry, and, of course, our economy has always been a little shaky. Still, I’d say its a better place in terms of safety than many other states…especially the coastal ones with large populations, or the southern ones with immigration issues.