Festivus!, 2012

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Ah, the Festivus season is here. A joyful time, what with the Airing Of The Grievances, Feats of Strength, and, of course, the traditional aluminum pole.

Festivus: For The Rest Of Us.
I’ve been fairly slack lately in getting anything done regarding general preparedness. I have quite a few things that I want to do but I get easily distracted and, quite honestly, money is always tight around this time of year. I think what I need to do is set everything that needs to be done down on spreadsheet and start prioritizing the items. Something in a numerical order of priority that can be jiggered around as needs change. There’s definitely some low-priority things I’ve been meaning to do for the last couple of years that I have been just dragging my feet on and, honestly, it isnt going to get any cheaper to do them if I continue to put them off.

2012 will be an interesting year. As a presidential election year I expect the usual run-up of availability issues and pricing on various items as the election approaches. Doesn’t matter who the favorite candidate it, every presidential election sees a surge in people buying things ‘just in case’ the election doesn’t go the way they want. I’d like to say that I have everything I want, but theres always room for a few more Glocks, a few more ARs, and a bunch more magazines.

It isnt just me, all the evidence points to the natives being restless. The abundance of preparedness-oriented products hitting the market these days, as well as the mainstreaming of the notion of preparedness, indicates that there is indeed a ‘groundswell’ or ‘movement’ or ‘trend’ towards being prepared and being less disdainful of those who do.

2012 is also supposed to be the year that, according to an extinct civilization, the world is supposed to end because….thats when their calendar stops? Hey, I’ve got a Dillon girlie calendar on my wall that only goes up to December 31st…so by that logic, January 1st is the end of the world. Unless the person telling you when the world is going to end actually has their hands on the button, no one knows when. Oh, you can predict that it’ll happen, you might even narrow it down to a specific range of years, but a specific date? A time? Nope. Unless youre the guy making it happen, no one knows…no holy text, prophet, or self-proclaimed expert can say with certainty when. It’s like Powerball…you know that one of those numbers is gonna come up, you just cant foretell which one.

I’m sure there’ll be localized apocalypses in 2012….earthquakes, hurricanes, wars, famines, etc,…but some far-reaching, global event that undoes a couple thousand years of civilization. Not a chance.