Link – The Post-Apocalyptic World Sucks Balls

It is an interesting thing to contemplate a post-apocalyptic existence but , as this link tells us, if you really wanna try and live in a Mad Max world you can do it easily today with just a plane ticket to pretty much anywhere else on the planet…and you may discover that it isn’t the fun-in-the-sun-with-a-gun festival that you might have thought it was.

Question: If you really want to live in the post-apocalyptic world then why don’t you just move to Pakistan?

Answer: Cuz It sucks balls there.

With 5000 “friends” on Facebook I see all sorts of “tough guy” nonsense flash across my news feed every day. Lately I’ve been seeing this “would you survive the post-apocalyptic world?” Q&A tests where you answer some mind-numbing multiple choice questions and, BAM, you can proclaim that you and Robert Neville will rule the wastelands.

This is of course followed by “Fuck Yeah bro, I’ll be shooting and looting in the post-apocalyptic world. It’s gonna’ be awesome” by whoever took this test. Next comes a legion of other people also saying something to the effect of “I can’t wait for this to happen” to “it is only a matter of time before it collapses and it can’t come sooner” in the comments below.

I have no desire to live in a Third World country. Heck, even a Second World country. I rather like flushing my toilet with water that is cleaner than what 90% of the people on this planet drink, I like having electricity available 24/7, and I love being able to walk into a supermarket  and buy Hostess cupcakes and a copy of Hustler at 2am. I am in no hurry to lose that cushy lifestyle. But, it can happen at any time and thats why we prepare.

Interesting article and I suggest you read it if you think living in the apocalypse will be a fun and liberating experience.

19 thoughts on “Link – The Post-Apocalyptic World Sucks Balls

  1. I’m much more a Hostess/Hustler guy than a DayZ real life survival chances low myself.

  2. That sort of posturing always makes me recall a line in a book – Arthur has cleaned the land of the raiding Vikings. Turns to Lancelot and asks him to sum it up…”half a baby in a ditch” is the reply. And that is what one needs to consider when thinking of hastening what is (I believe) the inevitable. No one should want it. But all should be ready for it.

  3. I actually feel sorry for those who are anxious for the collapse to occur so they can live out some fantasy of what their greatness should have been because their life sucks so much today. These people will be a problem come TSHTF, especially those who prowl the local blogs and facebook sites trolling for people nearby to loot and shoot. Anyone who thinks these people don’t exist are mad – I’ve run into several, even a small group like the idiot from Doomsday prepper who are actively seeking out other preppers to loot from. Oh well, I’m off to get some swiss cake rolls.

  4. I know what a1st world country is and I know what a 3rd world country is, but what is a 2nd world country. I have heard it used before but what is the definition of one.

  5. Rule #1 for the apocalypse is: get the hell out of the damn way.

    Relocate, now. Nothing good will come from contact with unknown groups of people. Doesn’t matter what color they are, how smart they are, or how benign they appear to be. Guns & ammo won’t save you. You need strategic distance from the drug-addled, welfare-douche “ferguson mobs”.

  6. I’m more of a Little Debbie guy, myself.

    I’m not looking forward to Global Detroit, but I’m a ready for it as I suppose I’m going to get.

    One of the bike blogs I read has been doing some work with DIY bike-packing setups using MOLLE pouches and webbing. Thought some folks on here might dig it:
    Scroll down, there are several posts.

  7. Having lived and worked in third world countries there is one major difference that we don’t think about. At least in the first world when there is a collapse there is stuff to loot. Third world, not so much.

  8. A third world location that provides more of it’s needs with local farms and water may not be very nice to live i, but perhaps won’t change as much for the worse after the music stops. It will be worse, no doubt. The first world’s sufficiency will drop a huge amount, leaving huge numbers of people trying to subsist on non existent resources. I too hope never to live in a post apocalyptic world. I suspect the ones hoping for an apocalypse are not happy in the present and are hoping to ‘re-roll’ the dice and be ‘born again’ and on top of the new order. I take the threat involved from these types seriously.

  9. I lived in a post-apocalyptic (PA) world for two years. Nothing like the sweet smell of open ditch black water flowing past as you breath in a big gulp of lead-filled smog each morning! Nothing like the natives purposely running directly in the path of your vehicle for insurance money on a Sunday afternoon. Nothing like getting Montezuma’s Revenge two weeks into your PA ordeal, and chugging Coca Cola out of a glass bottle to settle your stomach. Nothing like hearing the unfiltered tailpipe of public transport screaming down your street. Nothing like the aromas of semi-cooked stomach and brains and unknown organs roasting on a food cart. Then there’s the pot-holes marked somewhat with white-painted rocks — or not! And the constant harassment of kids selling Chicle (chewing gum) or asking “what time is it?” — the only English they know. At least back then, most people weren’t hungry, weren’t shooting each other, or didn’t fear for their lives with drug gangs running the smaller towns.

  10. That’s an excellent point I never considered, go try Pakistan or somewhere like that.

    I just came back from a tactical rifle class (Max Velocity Tactical) and while it was “just” tactical training with live fire, you know, that little taste also had me thinking much the same. The class I took on small unit tactics was basically running for your life through the woods, up and down the sides of hills. It was cool to be doing live fire training, but actually training (no one spends the $ on travel, tuition, and ammo to just go up there to play, everyone in the class was there to learn and to train) – that sucked. From prone while your buddy’s shooting, jump up, run back a few steps, throw yourself down prone and start shooting at the target and then your buddy can jump up and run the 3-5 yards to where you are. Keep repeating that until you’re finally far enough away from the bad guys to be able to just run on out of there instead of this fire and movement thing.
    I’m not in bad shape and it sucked. I bet we’d really have been hauling ass out of there even more out of breath had the fire been coming in as well as going out.

    I’m glad to have gotten the training (and I definitely recommend Max’s training) but boy the way you feel at the end of a training day like that is a good thing to bring you back down to earth. In a real SHTF situation, that kind of thing could go on day and night and you can’t just stop for the day and go have dinner and a beer at the Mexican place.

    Awesome point made in this post – move to Pakistan! LOL. I’ll remember to say that the next time I hear some gunstore commando talk about how great the apocalypse is going to be.

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