You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave

The National Guard commander is taking his orders from the county managers and civil affairs folks. People won’t be released from here until power and flooding issues are resolved in their neighborhoods. Everyone who came here as a last resort signed an invisible contract, signing their safety over to the city.

7 thoughts on “You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave

  1. Well, since I work at a hotel, I’ll always make sure to have a room available for you, even if I have to through someone else out=P

  2. Damn, I thought you were editorializing with the “invisible contract” comment. I can barely believe that NBC would use something that sounds so much like what one of us would say. I’d like to know precisely what the terms of the invisible contract are.

    That tops the list of why I’ll never go to a shelter.

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