Race war? Seriously?

I remember something I read somewhere that said “Hating someone because of the color of their skin is just stupid. If you take the time to get to know someone…really get to know them…you can find a much better reason to dislike them.”

Don’t kid yourself…there’s been racial balkanization in this country for quite a while and now it’s becoming even more pronounced. I had a longer post about this but, quite honestly, there is virtually no way to make a long post about race (or sex, religion, abortion, guns, politics, class, and a few other topics) without it turning into a hellish commentfest where everything is picked apart and the original ideas are overlooked.

Unfortunately, the world we live in has moments, especially lately, where even if you’re the nicest person on the planet you can still wind up getting curbstomped because someone doesn’t like how much melanin you’ve been producing.

There’s a host of unlikely events that I actively keep in mind when I’m in preparedness mode. Economic hardship is usually at the top. ‘Race war’ is down there with the Rapture, Xenu’s return, Planet X, and zombie apocalypse. It’s a fascinating world we live in when I actually have to think “Hmm…could that happen here”. Unlikely. Here’s Montana’s racial breakdown (so to speak):

Racial composition     2010

  • White          89.4%
  • Native          6.3%
  • Asian          0.6%
  • Black          0.4%
  • Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0.1%
  • Other race     0.6%
  • Two or more races     2.5%

Yeah, you read that right…there are actually more Asians here than blacks. In fact, after white folks the next biggest group are Indians . After that, there’s virtually nothing else. Chance of race war in Montana? Same as everywhere else. Chance of it going on for very long? Nil. So…race war goes back on the back burner.

How do you even plan for something like that? I would imagine it’s the same as planning for any other form of civil unrest but with the assumption it’ll be a lot easier to tell which side is which.

I don’t think you’ll ever see something like a real race war in this country. I think the closest you’ll ever see is some of the things that happened in the 60’s and early 70’s, which were pretty nasty at times. But warfare-in-the-streets type of thing? Nope. I think the number  of people who would do that sort of thing are far outnumbered by those of us who don’t see race ( or gender, or class, etc) as being any more worthy of violent response than , say, left-handedness.

9 thoughts on “Race war? Seriously?

  1. I live in central Florida. Lots of whites, blacks, hispanics, and others.
    A Matt Bracken “When the Music Stops” scenario doesn’t seem unlikely to me, for whatever the reason is that the music stops. I pay particular attention to it, since I have to drive through at least one or two of the bad areas on the 30 mile commute to work each day and then again on the way home.

    A Rodney King type riot isn’t likely on a per-day probability basis, but if you drive through bad neighborhoods most days, it’s a good idea to be alert to the possibility.

  2. Ah, but that would depend on what your definition of “war” is, now wouldn’t it? You’ve read up on your William Lind, yes? 🙂

  3. I suspect you won’t see much in Montana or it’s “biggest cities” should it ever occur, however in major & minor cities south of your local it may be happening (with the blessing of Obama, Lynch, lame stream media, open borders, etc.).

    Frankly I think we are seeing the beginnings of a 4th Generation war brewing (note:brewing). I remember my CO talking about this quite a bit.

    What’s 4th Generation warfare? The simplest definition is that one of the major participants is not a state, but rather a violent non-state actor. Example; such as the drug cartels in Mexico.

    Here is an accurate summary (from Wiki of all places. Yes I’m shocked.) on 4th gen warfare.


    Lind’s book on 4G is well written and you don’t have to be military to get anything out of it.

    Hope neither happens, but seeing what the media and the current regime have been doing these past several years, let’s just say there is a ‘disturbance in the force’ and one should not ignore it.

  4. Skin color means nothing. It’s about culture.
    The problem is that skin color and culture in Obama’s America means you CAN judge someone by skin color and be right almost every time.
    And everyone knows this.
    So anyone who ‘doesn’t see skin color’ is blind or stupid, or in your case (I’m guessing) Just Trying To Get Along.
    It’s time for another immigration pause while everyone assimilates.

  5. true you won’t see any violent part of a race war there but its effects, and i do think it is coming, could reach you. do you think obamy or hillary will let heir base be decimated? no, they’ll use it as an excuse for martial law and that for gathering of the guns and “dissidents”. that might affect you. i know it would me. being stuck on the east corridor, i see the gathering storm. being born and raised in the inner city, these people think they are the majority and frankly i think their numbers are grossly under reported but still low. they think they can win, and are encouraged by their so called leaders most of whom are criminals themselves. hills met with blm after they disrupted her campaign and suddenly they switched tactics. everything is going according to plan. its coming and soon. you’ll be fine, except maybe troops visiting you in the middle of the night. the rest of us are in for a bumpy ride, or worse.

  6. Made my usual trek to the grocery store yesterday. Usual mix of locals- old, young, white, hispanic, black. Everyone seemed to be working extra hard to be polite to each other. Every group you can ID has their share of aholes or crazies, but most people are not looking to start anything. I just follow the old advice of “avoid crowds”- I don’t care who the crowd is.

  7. With the death of my father I’ve started taking care of my mother, who FREQUENTLY tells me that this year, this election esp, “reminds me of how it felt in ’68.” Boy weren’t those some stellar following years, only the Moon Race was a decent thing back then IMO.

    I had been fearful for a while that someone with .gov training would would try something like this, not as a false-flag mind you but domestic terrorism (and in the case of Dallas, a Hate-Crime IMO). Do I think TPTB are driving this? No. Honestly, it’s past learned (bad) behavior having simmered for decades coming to a light boil. It’s attitudes and reactions but sadly I don’t think it is done (violence) yet.

    As a first responder I’ve seen the best or worst of the entire spectrum of the rainbow (and yes that rainbow as well). And where in the past society used to police itself to a certain degree, now with PC, microagression (*cackle*), imagined slights and instant, world broadcast hyper over-reactions society has stopped harnessing the village idiot (or what have you).

    One final reason for the decline, IMO. Godless-ness. Some people worship their false Hollywood/MSM provided gods (and listen to them) than they do in church.

    Don’t get me start on the dangerous track these “Hillary Non-Crimes” have set us on. I haven’t felt this fearful for this nation since the ’79 elections.

  8. “I don’t think you’ll ever see something like a real race war in this country”. Painting with too broad of a brush. You might not up north, but try living within 50 miles of our southern border. It is a war down here. The big problem is who vs who. One drug gang fighting another. Lots of innocent collateral damage to brown and white locals. ALL whites are fair game to them. Now the vast majority of locals both brown and white just want to live life in peace. But the un certainty day to day is a killer. We moved north. Sold my grandfather’s and father’s farm and just left. You cannot win down there. NOG

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