Fear The Walking Dead – Season Finale

You know, I’ll be the first to admit that the major character that killed off was definitely one that I’m happy is gone. The bad news it isn’t either one of the insanely annoying chicks.

And as the election season approaches with politcal rhetoric about illegal immigration (and remember kids, there’s a difference between immigration and illegal immigration) we have what appears to be a Texas border militia group making an appearance.

I’m still having mixed feelings about this show, but it is satisfying to watch the character start to turn into pragmatists and lose the we-have-to-save-everybody attitude. It’s also interesting, and I think this was a brilliant move, to set the majority of the series in a non-US venue. It allowed for plenty of different characters, lifestyles, and scenarios that were fresh and interesting.

Anything worth observing? Well, seriously, everyone needs a damn bugout bag packed so that when you have to beat feet out of your refuge you can leave with more than a Beretta 84 and a couple gallons of water. Binoculars are worth the weight. Wear your seatbelt. Don’t believe in people selling miracles. Always check your six. Two-man rule. Static positions aren’t going to last forever.

The regular Walking Dead series has been losing my interest lately, at least this series has a few fresh ideas. So, yeah, I’ll tune in but until they kill off those annoying women I’m gonna root for the zombies.


But keep this one. I like her…..


8 thoughts on “Fear The Walking Dead – Season Finale

  1. Shhhhhhh! I’m not caught up yet! I think I’m four episodes behind but I have 48 hours here at work that I have to fill somehow (even though it takes me facing the real world zombies out there).

    I too was glad to see some loss of the “oh we MUST help them! I don’t care if it kills half our family we must try!” BS. I was also keen to see the downturn of Chris, what made the bad people of the world bad? Bad wiring or experiences that get re-enforced by the environment (and/or people you are with).

    As for the original, I’m pretty excited. I’ve never read the graphic novel but it will be interesting to see how Rick chaffs under Negan. (You ain’t killing Rick, he has too many scenes in the teaser trailers but I think Glen is gone.)

  2. I actually thought that season six of The Walking Dead was one of the better ones since the first. Mainly of course that was because stupid finally caught up with them ( or at least that was the perception-I only watch on Netflix and am always a year behind ).

  3. I can no longer watch these types of shows for anything preparedness/survivalist related material at all, it’s just fantasy entertainment now. Anyone who’s survived the apocalypse for a month into it would know to have a weapon or a bugout bag of some sort on them all the time, to have a cache set up outside their perimeter in case of being over run, to not go around trusting total strangers they meet. Just once, just once I’d love to see just ONE episode where it was a prepper/survivalist family involved, not the crazy light house survivalists and their death pills either.

  4. I do not think they’re a Texas border militia group. The group crossed at the San Diego border crossing. As far as the chick in the desert, I think she was head to New Mexico to find her fiancĂ©e. So, neither would have been anywhere near Texas.

    • Perhaps. But I maintain that whatever group it is, it’ll be some sort of ‘paint the right wing as nutjobs’ sort of thing.

  5. Well that was a good analysis… I find it ‘entertaining’ but not realistic even if it does give us some very good ideas. The only thing I think could be added is “contact and cover” (just got done teaching a bunch of rookies).

  6. Maybe its just me, we quit watching because it was too damn stupid. Who died anyway?

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