ADMIN – Hiccup

In the process of updating plugins for the WordPress software, something went sideways and the site just -bamf!- disappeared.

panic_580-100024408-largePanic ensued.

But…this happened a while ago and I spent the money for backup software. It backs everything up (well, mostly..some comments got lost) every three days or so.

So..crossed my fingers, burned down the blog folder, reinstalled WP, and restored from saved backups.

Annnnnnnnnd…we’re back. Minus the last day or two of posts.

I know this is boring to you guys, but here’s how it works…

WordPress (a popular blogging ware) lets you put in addons. I paid for an addon (“Updraft Plus”) to automatically back up the website every three days. When it does this, it sends the files to my Dropbox account and keeps them there. Thus, if there’s a problem, I can use those archived backups to restore things. Which is what I did.


Now if if you’ll excuse me, I have a love letter to write to the geeks at Updraft.

4 thoughts on “ADMIN – Hiccup

  1. 1 TB Backup Drive with USB cord keeps my backups happy. Just need to find some software that backs up how *I* want it back up, ie not all encrypted and compressed.

    I just want it to copy files from C:\folderA\folderB\folderC\file.ext to F:\Backup\folderA\folderB\folderC\file.ext and I haven’t been able to find something (other than .bat(ch) to do it this stooopidly simple way. On a schedule. Thru a home network. And not offer to have it all backed up to “the cloud” *cough*DataFusionCenter*cough*

    Nice to see you back up though…

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