17 thoughts on “Polling Plug-In

  1. I voted Other, but I think its a combination of several if not all of the above. If I had to put a single word/phrase on it, I’d call it Cultural.
    fwiw, I used to believe the major trigger would be Economics.

  2. Apocalypse-wise, I’d have to take the buffet. Economic, yeah, no doubt. Civil war, likely, not certain. Purge/putsch/pogrom: cross file under civil war. Natural disaster? Certain, at least in some flavor, for any given locality. South has hurricanes, north has snowstorms and ice storms, west has drought and wildfires, and so forth. Short term vs long term natural disaster? Depends upon how widespread: some parts of Puerto Rico have no electricity, something on the order of SIX FRACKING MONTHS after the hurricane. Imagine FEMA in charge o restoring YOUR power, and plan accordingly.

    • I have friends there, some of the ones they are counting didn’t have electric before the hurricane.

  3. Crushed in an avalanche of empty brass, surrounded by mounds of former snowflakes while yelling, Fresh meat!

  4. I am in the domino theory. First economy, triggering purge, follow up civil war. BUT. Most likely? You get sick and cannot work. My last heart procedure cost 185K. I have had six total. That is a LOT. OF. MONEY. Cannot mow the yard. That is a true SHTF that can happen at any time to anyone. Maybe getting hit by a drunk, but personal medical is to me, number 1. NOG

  5. I voted Natural disaster, because no matter what, Mother Nature will have the last laugh.

  6. I said economic because at some point we will have a crash and people now want some one to bail them out. The goverment won’t be able too and the riots will start followed by anarcy.

    • You said it, brother. If you’re not already ‘at’ the permanent retreat, it’s time to pack your bags. There may be no “going back”.

  7. I’m looking at a hodgepodge of economic stuff, natural disaster stuff, and pandemic.

  8. I think the odds of there only being one major problem to deal with is small. I would expect a cascade, that would involve participants around the world. For instance, the infectious disease people state that the world is overdue for a pandemic. The last one killed about 25% of the earth’s population, IIRC. That was when the fastest people movers were steamships and trains, and a lot of the world moved by horse. Now, factor in the speed and widespread availability of passenger jets. You can literally infect the entire world in a couple days. That WILL happen, as .govs will be very slow to halt flying and other means of moving people.

    The world’s economy is too enmeshed to isolate any areas from the fallout of a respectably large nation or area going bust. We saw the results in ’29 here in the US.
    One of the problems is there tends to be a minimum amount of ongoing trade needed to keep a transport medium and it’s infrastructure functional. Back in ~’09-’10 (iirc), there were several locations where cargo ships were stored at anchor. The one near Hong Kong had over 5000 ships rusting away. Lots of them were scrapped around the world. If that downturn had lasted much longer, there wouldn’t be much ocean shipping now. It still hasn’t recovered completely.

    The most likely is an economic disaster, with regional flavors adding to the stew. The thing is, you automatically get this problem if a big enough disaster occurs. Makes it an easy call.

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