
There are little hallmarks that occur in life that let you  know, for better or worse, that you’ve transitioned to a new stage in your life… having to wear a tie or body armour, for example. Todays sign that my life has gotten more complicated than it used to be: I had to buy a matching pair of monitors so I can dual-wield programs.

On the bright side, if I get back into gaming these will be fabulously useful.

5 thoughts on “Hallmarks

      • I laughed far harder at that than I should have,

        You’d think dual monitors would be the poop for gaming but most games just use your primary monitor and leave the other alone (maybe I play the wrong games). Also you get the annoying problem of not being able to scroll by pushing the mouse towards the edge of the screen nearest your monitor.

        But YMMV

        • I figure Id have one monitor on the game and the other on cheat code websites.

          • I just have the ipad sitting next to me on the desk with maps or hints or whatever. Might not be cheaper, depending on which one you buy, but the bonus is you have an ipad (or whatever tablet you fancy)

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