Paratus reminder!

A friendly reminder, September 20 is Paratus…the holiday for survivalists. As always, the Paratus FAQ is available for your reading pleasure.

If you’re too lazy to bother, here’s the short version: Paratus is the holiday that is all about preparedness. You are expected to give/receive preparedness-related gifts, engage in preparedness-related activities (which are broadly defined enough to include ‘sitting around with your buddies, drinking beer, and watching The Walking Dead’), and hang out with like-minded individuals. In a perfect world it would be like a heavily-armed version of Mardi Gras.

However….I take it slightly more seriously. I’ll be handing out Paratus gifts to various folks, probably using the day as an excuse to do inventory, and hopefully receiving Paratus wishes and goodies from other survivalists.

As best I can tell, no one has marked down their merchandise and started playing Paratus carols yet, but it’s only a matter of time.

4 thoughts on “Paratus reminder!

  1. You ought to send a Paratus holiday suggestion to PSA. Get them on board and the holiday will take off!

  2. Commander:
    You never know –
    The person you lent your sealer to might gift you one!
    But if he does, I suppose we will have to watch out for low-flying porkers…

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