NYC blackout, things to do

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Unfortunately, after the apocalypse it seems pretty unlikely that Wal-Mart will be open.

Im picking up stories here and there about blackout conditions and experiences in NYC. Its what I expected for the most part…lotta people making the same mistakes that they didnt learn from on 9/11. I mean, really, if you lived 12 miles away from where you worked and had to walk that distance once, wouldnt you keep a mountain bike at work so next time you could get home in an hour instead of seven?

I need to work on water storage. I need to pick up about a half-dozen plastic five gallon jugs and a bottle of oxygen stabilizer (yes, I could use a bit of bleach instead, I know.) I should also pick up another couple cases of bottled water up at CostCo.

While Im at it, I also need to pick up a good antannae for the 11/10 meter radio. And a power supply.

Im guessing that in The Omega Man, our boy Chuck got most of that gear *after* everyone was dead…alot cheaper that way, isnt it?

Lotta forest fires around here. Reminds me that Rancho Ballistica is going to need to be as fireproof as possible… steel roofing, obviously….sprinkler array on the roof, some type of stucco or adobe walls, etc, etc. Theres actually a rather nice amount of home firefighting equipt. for sale on the web…expensive, but worth it, Im sure.