I must say, the events in Spain are very eye-opening. The very definition of terrorism is violent action directed against civillians to force political change. And in a brilliant stroke, whomever was responsible for those bombings did exactly that – they pushed Spain into voting for a change in government that was, no doubt, sympathetic to the aims of the bombers. Can you grasp what an incredible feat that is? Few as a dozen people managed to, almost overnight, change a government.

Now, if that wasnt a job by al-Qaeda you can bet theyre going to learn from it. Novembers elections in this country would be the ideal time for this sort of thing….end of Oct/first day of Nov. you blow up something big, cause major mayhem, and hope that it will turn public opinion against the administration and get ‘the other guy’ elected. But, Americans are not Spaniards…I think we’re less likely to stop throwing punches even if we get our noses bloodied.

My point? Well, other than admitting that it was a masterful operation that seemed to do exactly what it intended, the bombing in Spain is going to make this years election a season of heightened awareness. Athough we keep bouncing into this Yellow/Orange alert nonsense, Id say that right before the election is when the next major terrorist attack in this country will take place.

Fortunately, being in a relative middle of nowhere, I dont have to worry about it too badly. Ceratinly, my daily commute isnt going to be a target as it would in, say, Washington DC or NY. No, my concerns will be with the fallout (so to speak) from such an attack…

But, if I *did* live in or near a Major Metropolitan Area In The East/NorthEast or West, I would be extremely alert during all of October and be ready to bugout (or in) on a moments notice. I’d keep the vehicle gassed up, have as many alternate routes memorized as possible, and never be more than arms length away from a television or radio.

10 thoughts on “

  1. which terrorist?

    one can wonder whom be behind the next act, or when and where! just like the faulty intellignce that got America to attack Iraq, whom will ceate an act to profit by in the next ellection. Will it be a forign source, or an American source.
    Stay tuned, stay alert, and survive.

  2. Re: which terrorist?

    I hate to differ, but the suffering of the Iraqi peoples was pretty darn well documented, and was in no way faulty intel.

  3. Get out of the city now.

    You will most likely not be able to bug-out of most major cities should a major incident occur, unless you move very quickly as soon as you detect a problem. The roads will be jammed with millions of people who have the same idea as you. A place like New York City that is an Island makes the problem even worse. Either get out now, or prepare to ride things out there.

    In a similar vein, the major traffic jam that will occur after the incident means that your refuge won’t have to be as far out of the way as you may have orginally led to believe. People will get stuck on the road and have to use shanks mare. All of the sudden they have gone from 55+ miles an hour down to about 2 or 3. I was working in Northern Westchester County during the blackout of 2003, about 25-30 miles North of New York City. A lot of the residents in the town of my employer worked in NYC and spent the night there during the blackout, due to the complete jam of the transportation grid from the lack fo electricity. I simply hopped in my car and drove home when the lights went out.

  4. Re: which terrorist?

    what one found in Iraq afterwards was not the reason given to invade in the first place. That is the faulty intelligence that got us to invade in the first place. Just wait till you invade North Korea or Iran and find out the hard way what those bozo’s “forgot to forsee”.
    Oh, do remember, as invaders, those whom don’t like us have a legal reason to come here and finish the war we started there!
    It is not over yet! Wildflower

  5. Re: which terrorist?

    I shall not engage in discussion with an ignorant git in the Zero’s journal.

    Good day, craven one.

  6. Re: which terrorist?

    must be part of our national inteligence, or those whom now gaurd the doorway after the house burn down. either way i still love ya! Wildflower

  7. Re: Get out of the city now.

    Theres *alot* of people in Manhattan these days with kayaks and jet skis squirreled away for their ‘Escape From NY’. And mountain bikes….lotsa mountain bikes.

  8. Re: Get out of the city now.

    When I worked down there, I kept an inflatable rubber raft in the contingency kit.

  9. Re: Get out of the city now.

    rubber raft, bicycle, jetski, whatever you have just make damn certain whatever is your primary escape vector, it makes good sense to include other options too. The east river got some bad riptides in it. refresh your escape kit as stale items and bad batteries can screw your day.
    personally, a ultralight aircraft from a rooftop, be more like it. Wildflower

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