Victim of meme

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

This was a departure from the usual. I don’t normally go for memes or things like that, but since ,Rawles was nice enough to put me in his list of websites to pass it on to, I figured I’d go along. There arent any websites that I’d tag to forward this to that he hasnt already mentioned so I’ll just answer the major component. “…(1) I must divulge seven things about myself, and then (2) pay the Stylish Blogger Award forward to fifteen other blogs.”

Seven, eh?

1) My feet are EEEEE width. Finding shoes and boots that fit is a tremendous pain in the ass. I am also very hard on footwear. If I can get a year out of a pair of shoes I feel fortunate. Zappos is pretty much my one-stop source.
2) “Atlas Shrugged” was the most influential piece of fiction Ive ever read. I may not necessarily agree with all of it, but it made me think (and changed the way I think), which is what a good piece of literature should do.
3) I think Im the most optimistic survivalist out there. I just dont see Peak Oil, the Rapture, 2012, Planet X, or any of those things plunging us into a worldwide Mad Max dystopia.
4) I dont smoke, drink or do drugs. Just never developed a taste or interest for it. However, this doesnt mean Im without slef-destructive or stupid habits…its just that those ain’t them.
5) I have friends who are gay survivalists. It just isn’t a Big Deal.
6) Two is one, one is none. I have an identical twin that I might be able to use for spare parts.
7) I met my wife on the internet back when such a thing was still considered a bit weird. What she sees in me, I have no idea.

I only have a handful of blogs that I follow that could be tagged by this thing, and most of them were already tagged by ,Rawles so I’m just gonna leave it at that.