Wallet Busting Department:

Sportsmans Guide ‘HQ’ catalog (military surplus stuff) arrived today. They have black Mickey Mouse boots for $30/pair (!!!!!) and, interestingly, #10 cans of Mountain House freeze-drieds. The prices on the MH are only about $2 less than what you can get off of MH’s website, and MH pays the shipping on orders over $50….so, unless you are a ‘member’ at Sportsmans Guide and get the additional 10% off, it probably isnt worth it. There were also a few other goodies in there, but the Mickey Mouse boots….grrrrrr….me want.

5 thoughts on “

  1. Mickey Mouse boots?

    I guess $30.00 for wear in niche situations isn’t bad…but I wouldn’t want them as my regular wear boots. I tried wearing them for about a day when I was in Germany and was more than happy to trade them for a pair of wool socks and recruit boots. The trade off of mobility vs. warmth was worth it since the Mickey Mouse boots were clunky on my feet and the tread wasn’t very aggressive.

    My 2 cents, actually user mileage may vary 🙂

  2. More for static and semi-static situations. For example, couple of weeks ago we were at the range and it was about 5 degrees with blowing snow. We were just standing and sitting around shooting so that would have been a perfect situation for using them.

  3. That’s a good use. I wore mine on my paper routes as a kid at up to -20F and just loved them. Of course I wouldn’t wear them to school or the store – that would have been overkill. But they’re great for short-term standing around, too.

  4. Hmmnn, they sound like just the thing for when I’m teaching CCW classes in the snow. At my last class in December I had on my Swedish wool pants ( about $10 from SMG)and my East German rain pattern parka (about $14 from SMG). It wasn’t quite cold enough to put the Swiss wool greatcoat ($19 from SMG) over the parka, but I’ve done that in the past.

    The only thing that got cold was my feet. I’ve got a pair of Timberlines. There good general purpose boots, but they aren’t the warmest. Maybe the MM boots are the way to go.

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