Snow day

There’s some pretty nice snow coming down at the moment. When I first moved to Montana I assumed that we’d get three or four feet of snow every time it snowed. Nope. Turned out I had moved to the warmest part of the state. The snowfall in this region is absolutely pathetic. But…once in a while Ma Nature decides to remind us who wears the meteorological pants in this region.

I have fuel, generator, food, blankets, four-wheel drive, and communications. I’m…unconcerned. Which, naturally, frees my mind to wander in other directions.

I am ready for this political season to come to an end. Sorta. Part of me says we should elect Bernie Sanders, skip the foreplay, and just head right into the revolution. On the other hand, I can use the next nine months to get more mags and stripped lowers put back. Given the ‘screw freedom, gimme safety’ mentality of some of the candidates, it might not be a bad idea to start laying back unregistered drones, pay-as-you-go cellphones, laptops and phones bought at a distance second-hand for anonymous communications, etc, etc.

Personally, I’m throwing what meager resources I have into gun stuff. It’s a field I’m very intimate with and have enough connections to get good deals. AR and Glock mags are where I’d put my resources. While some of the exotic stuff will command more in the next ban, it makes more sense to play to the commonly available stuff. For every $300 Valmet magazine I’ll sell, I could move a hundred AR mags or a hundred 9/40 Glock mags. Or 10/22 mags.

3 thoughts on “Snow day

  1. yep, doing the same here but started beefing up the ammo too. not for use, have about two lifetime supplies for shooting, but for selling one day. last time even when guns started coming back in stock there was no ammo available for them. and everybody that wanted a rifle wanted mags and at least a few rounds to shoot with it. so i’m stocking all three. some folks are starting to bitch about gun prices going up but i see maybe 100 bucks higher, and parts are up maybe 20 percent. was hoping there would be a mad rush by now but it hasn’t materialized yet. they tried to pull an obummer executive order here but the assembly put the hammer to it, and even got more concessions on top of it. keep stacking though, like metals it will never be worth zero.

  2. I’m in Iowa. For the next two days, it will be hard to throw a rock and NOT hit a politician or media personality. The caucus is also the #1 topic of conversation in any work or social setting.

    On a related note, every time I hear someone talk about their plan to support Sanders or Trump, all I can think of is Alfred telling Bruce about how “some people just want to watch the world burn.”

  3. Yay!!!!!!!

    For the snow I mean. Generally speaking when you get snow there’s a good chance I get some 36-48 hours later. Political stuff is icky, but snow is always nice. 🙂

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