Video – Mythbusters Never Bring a Knife to a Gun Fight

This is interesting:

The very interesting part is that this totally supports the long-standing generally recognized principle that knife-wielders within seven yards are a viable threat. Note that Adam gets the shot off in time at the eight yard threat, but when the threat is within seven yards the window of opportunity to get a shot off is greatly reduced.

Now, to be fair, Adam is doing the so-called ‘Israeli carry’ where the gun is carried with an empty chamber. With a gun in the ready-to-fire condition, say, like a Glock/XD/revolver or similar ‘no active safety’ firearm, the time would probably be geatly reduced.

Nonetheless, it is interesting to show that even at around 20 feet, a bad guy with bad intent and a sharp piece of metal is a viable threat to a man with a gun…despite what some lawyers in a courtroom might say. On the other hand, with the threat 24 feet away Adam also had a 24 foot headstart to simply turn around and run from the threat. (Of course, that assumes he outruns the threat…if he doesn’t he loses all his advantages.)

In the real world, not everybody has access to guns. There are still plenty of people who get robbed, jacked, raped, and murdered at knifepoint. And while some people may have trouble getting access to a gun, for whatever reason, just about any idiot can go into Walmart and buy (or steal) a good sized knife.

So, when someone says that the guy twenty feet away with the machete wasn’t a threat because the other guy was armed…well…show them this video. And..don’t  lull yourself into thinking you’re not in trouble because he ‘only has a knife’.

2 thoughts on “Video – Mythbusters Never Bring a Knife to a Gun Fight

  1. That is why I teach my students to move right or left when drawing their weapon. If you stay static the attacker will get you within 21 feet. Use the attackers forward motion against them. Never have seen anyone make a 90 degree turn when running, laws of physics are in play. If the attacker is closer you can push off of them when you move the side to knock them off balance giving you the additional time to draw your weapon and engage the attacker. So the bottom line is move, gun fights or any fight for that matter are not static!!!!

  2. I believe that was the basis for the “Tuller Drill” was it not?

    But it was nice to see some “scientists” prove the validity of the concept.

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