6 thoughts on “Re-homing a Ruger

  1. Commander, just an inquiry on p-95s. Do you see a need for spare parts, springs, that plastic collar on spring and guide rod? Just wondering, it is a forever and a deep storage gun fer sure, just gaming out all possibilities. Thanxs!

    • I really don’t worry about. It’s a beyond-tertiary level of backup, and even then I’ve enough of them to not worry about it. There’s a couple guys on GunBroker who sell completely stripped guns, less frame, and for about $150-200 I could get a complete spare parts kit but for that same money I may as well get a complete gun.

  2. Looking forward to her 2k run of the Ruger, really enjoyed the 2k run of the old Smith 5900 series she did. Don’t know why those 5900 series 9mm have a appeal to me, yet never bought one.

    • I thought she’d be more interested in the P95 I had for sale, but no….
      The P89 is amazingly overbuilt for a 9mm. The P95 is positively svelte by comparison.

  3. My P-85 is the pistol I grab when I wish to test a new 9mm load. Most especially the more snappy loads that are pushing the published limits.

    I call it ‘The Tank’.

  4. I sort of wish I had picked up one of the .45ACP chambered P90s. I have enough 9s (and probably enough .45s too), but the bigger bore just appeals to me more. Easier to load because of their size is one reason.

    Looking forward to Ms. Keel’s review – because the science must be settled !

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