Halloween theme

Happy Halloween. In that spirit and keeping in line with preparedness, I give you the emergency zombie kit.

And this isnt a Halloween theme..at least, not on purpose…but its LOLtacular if you ask me.
The gun case that ‘transforms’ into a lvlIIIA tactical vest. (Im actually laughing as I try to find a .jpg of this..)

Here we go!

He looks like the Leroy, the unknown Autobot.

Heres the link. Its absurd, and yet…hmmmm.
And, seriously, I can’t stop laughing.
I’ve 2k of the 55 gr. left if anyone is interested.

6 thoughts on “Halloween theme

  1. Heres the part that I don’t get, he gets the gun out squats down puts on the vest and then holds his body in a manner that exposes the open side of the vest.

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