That pesky upcoming bleak future

Well, I ordered some new grips for the Ruger Redhawk .357, they arrived,  and I’ll take it out tomorrow and see if that makes a difference. While I’m at it, I’ll also take the CZ457 ‘Jaguar’ .22 out for a spin and see how quiet a 29″ barrel is with another 8″ of suppressor on the end. I expect it to sound like a staplegun.

I didn’t watch the State of The Union speech yesterday because, well, it’s pretty predictable and I saw no need to rush into my first heart attack. Nice of whoever was feeding Biden lines to make sure to get that whole ‘assault weapon’ thing in there. I am amazed at how the Democrats never seem to learn that it’s not an issue that does them any favors. Republicans do the same thing with the abortion issue, and Libertarians just can’t let go of their drug legalization fantasies.

I have spent the last thirty years as a survivalist and I do think that every year I say “this coming year is the one that will justify everything I’ve done”. And…I’ve been right every year.This year will be no different.

Is the economy ‘the envy of the world’ as was said at the speech? Maybe. I suppose when everyone is dying of cancer the guy with ‘only’ diabetes is the envy of everyone else. But if you ran the question of ‘are things better now than they were four years ago’ I think you’d have a strong case for a negative response. Inflation, interest rates, foreign affairs, crime, and the price of gas….there’s a bit to look back at fondly a bit over four years ago.

Nothing is perfect, though, and we tend to look at the past with a bit of rose-tint. The future, on the other hand……is there anyone who thinks good things are in store? “Good” will be defined as things not going as badly as we expected.

As the man(?) said, the avalanche has started…it is too late for the pebbles to vote.There’s no magic pill that’s going to just make things better. Even if you elected the perfect candidate, you can’t unscramble these eggs overnight. No matter who gets elected, it’s still going to be a bumpy ride…just a question of whether its a bumpy ride towards the better or a bumpy ride towards the worse. Either way: bumpy ride.

But, hey, those are just observations and musings. What’s the useful part? I suppose the useful part is that it’s worth noting that no matter who gets elected, the ride is still gonna be humvee-at-55-mph bumpy. So don’t let your guard down thinking that ‘after the election the threat will be reduced’. Nope. Nada.

I’ll continue to do what I’ve always done: stay on top of food and supplies, avoid debt and liabilities, sock away cash and cash-like instruments, be ready for things to go (further) downhill, but also be prepared for them not to. What not to do is get complacent and think there’s a light at the end of the tunnel because someone is going to get/notget re-elected.

Tomorrow, in addition to the range, I’m heading to Winco, CostCo, and WalMart, and continue to keep the pantry full, the gas cans topped of, and supply shelves stocked. Then I’m going to spend time in my budget spreadsheet and make sure I’ve got enough cash tucked away for an emergency. And then it’s a trip to pick up some precious metals. And when it’s all over, I’ll feel like I have some control over my future instead of just being a victim of it. I recommend you do something similar. Weekends are two days: one to do what you want and one to do what you need. Invest a few hours in a more resilient future for you and your loved ones.

11 thoughts on “That pesky upcoming bleak future

  1. Right again CZ. Control what you CAN, whoever is elected. The chaos is coming. In what exact form is anyone’s guess, but for those that can’t see it, I pity them.

    I’m certainly not fatalistic, but when are people going to wake up? Nothing is “free” despite the claims of your favorite Socialist. Endless pandering and false promises…. is it any wonder democracies never work? Selling Socialism as the left loves to do is the easiest sell of all – because everyone wants to hear a lie. The truth is much more difficult.

  2. Commander:
    So very true.
    I am not an American, so perhaps I can see things from a slightly different angle.
    It is time for Americans to do something that they HATE to do, and many don’t feel that it happens.
    You know deep down that Politicians lie – period.
    So stop thinking that the one saying what you want to hear is the one who isn’t lying.
    Because that way RINO’s and other madness awaits.
    In fact, if your area has a RINO and a DINO, hold your nose and vote for the DINO. It will do far less harm to what you believe in!

    Hope I have only offended the people who NEED offending…


  3. Why not prep everyday in some manner? All of us can learn a new skill and gain some more important knowledge every single day and have fun while doing it. People will say that prepping costs money – not always true. Knowledge and skills can be had at no cost at your public library and like many have said ” skills and knowledge trump gadgets everytime”.

    • Alpha strategy actually saves money by buying cheaper now than paying more later-often for less product. Especially long term storable disposable items. 5 year supply of razors/toothbrushes/ soap, etc look pretty cheap now.

  4. So very true, CZ. When both sets of grandparents and great grandparents lived thru the depression into the 1990s, a kid (then) picks up some things….

  5. “Is the economy ‘the envy of the world’ as was said at the speech? Maybe. I suppose when everyone is dying of cancer the guy with ‘only’ diabetes is the envy of everyone else.” Excellent!
    ” Even if you elected the perfect candidate, you can’t unscramble these eggs overnight. No matter who gets elected, it’s still going to be a bumpy ride…” Spot on!

  6. Predictions are problematic.

    Our economy is kinda weird and likely to stay that way if a bit less so.

    However I the more extreme a possibility to less likely it is to happen. So if faced with the question of whether this year will be a world ending apocalypse or a basically normal year; I would pick normal year.

    Will keep doing the same things. Save and invest. Work hard to be valuable at my job. Organize and flesh out systems.

    Those new Lipseys j frames have my eye so I’ll get one of those.

    It looks like (thanks sub 3% interest rate lock in and Covid prices) we won’t buy a new primary residence. Looking at Cabins. Should be able to jump on one next summer.

  7. Commander Zero did you get that staple gun sound from your CZ?

    Standard velocity or hypervelocity ammo?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

  8. I personally have stopped listening to any state of the union crap years ago because it’s always the same old tout what I’ve done for you so keep voting my way and you will be OK garbage, and that’s no matter who’s in the Oval orifice.

    I do exactly what the Zero man does: prep intelligently and quietly. Keep track of news and events that will possibly impact those preparations and stay in condition yellow, as Jeff Cooper often preached. I never want to have to say “ Gee I didn’t see that coming”.

  9. To make the bleak future relevant, does anyone have a source for 1 1/2 pint canning jars? Went looking for some and looks like Ball has stopped making them.

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