$3.99 Win. 9mm ammo

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Well, waaaah!

Gart Sporting goods had an advertisement in the paper yesterday. Winchester white box 9mm for $4.49 a box. So that woulda made a case of the stuff $89.80…and then there was a $10 off coupon for a purchase over $50….so the $89.80 becomes $79.80…so, when all is said and done that woulda been $3.99 a box. Needless to say, I was all up for getting a case or ten.

Sold. Out.

Grrrrr! Probably to a buncha weasels who were just gonna re-sell it at a gun show. Dammit, dont these people know who I am? What Im preparing for? How much 9mm my girlfriend can go through in a day!?!?!


Not a total wipeout though….OEM Glock mags for her G26 were $8.97 ea. so she got two spares. A small, hollow, empty victory…but a victory nonetheless.

$3.99 a box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NO they wouldnt substitute. NO they wont give rain checks. NO this price wont be good when they get more.

Too slow, Commander, too slow.