
It’s Independence Day (if you call it ‘4th of July’ then, for the sake of consistency, you should call Christmas ’25th of December’). Independence comes from self-determination and, as Heinlein said, “…willingness to do sudden battle anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness.”

And nothing says ‘freedom’ like being proficient and prodigious with your thundertoys.

Shoot your fireworks, cook your hot dogs, drink your beer. But those things aren’t what gave us this holiday. Guns and the willingness to use them did.

The range. Go.

7 thoughts on “‘Murica

  1. Happy 4th of July. Independence Day was July 2nd, the day we declared our independence from Great Britain.

  2. On July 2, congress voted to declare independence. Then debated changes to the declaration for 2 days. So July 4 was when they passed the document and made the declaration

    • John Adams would disagree. The Declaration of Independence was voted on and passed July 2nd.

  3. Yes. Utilize the Spirit of the holiday period to reinvigorate yourself to maintain the course on your chosen paths. A refresher study of that historical period will enlighten the stalwart prepper / survivalist of the many elements beyond “Muh guns” that are also critically important. Purview the hardships and challenges of Valley Forge and the multiple years of winters those fellows endured during that entire event. Winter is coming on, as well as other numerous challenges, so be the industrious Ant and keep at your works and objectives.

    Stay focused and prepared, so as not to become too frosty.

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