Meeting the like minded folks

I had a freight order dropped off the other day from Mountain House. Its hard to be subtle when the guy unloading the truck is dropping off a four-foot tall pallet of freeze drieds, all marked MOUNTAIN HOUSE in big letters. So, I’m there watchng him lower the liftgate with the pallet jack full of goodies on it.

Him: So thats a lot of backpacking food. What are you doing with it.

Me, no longer even pretending: Paranoid survivalist

Him: Thats not paranoid. I’ve got a garage full of this stuff. Did you see on the news that….

And that is exactly how you meet other like-minded individuals.

I have a friend of mine whome I’ve known for about…mmmmm…ten years or so. When I first met him he was not a survivalist. He worked in an industry that certainly was frequented by my people, but he was not one of them. Over the years we’d chit chat about things like guns, food, precious metals, etc. But he was very much a ‘feet on the ground’ kinda guy. But after years of being exposed to people like me he has become a card-carrying member of the tribe. He texts me to show off when he gets cases of .223 and he has bought freeze-drieds and Magpul mags from me a half dozen times now.

In my world, I don’t really know anyone who isn’t some shade of survivalist.

8 thoughts on “Meeting the like minded folks

  1. I hope you got in on that half-price #10 can deal that I believe I posted here 2-3 weeks ago. I just hope MH doesn’t cough up its customer list and order history too easily. My assumption is that DHS, FBI and others already know that the largest/biggest source of stored food will be in the homes of maybe 10-12% of the citizenry. Most of these will be rural homes and the food supplies will be in freezers and 1QT Mason jars. Good food, but can be hard to transport. Freeze dried and dehydrated food in #10 cans will be MUCH lighter and easier to transport.

  2. Some call me Survivalist. Some Prepper. Some paranoid lunatic.

    I consider myself a realist

    • Flight-ER-Doc:
      A colleague once said to me “Jeez, you are Paranoid!”
      My reply was “But am I Paranoid enough to be right…”
      He walked away.
      Later he started asking me how much it would cost to make a start prepping.


  3. I remember when Costco used to sell MH on sale below dealer cost with free shipping. They drop-shipped it from Oregon in umarked boxes or pallets. Those were the ‘salad days’ for MH and ammo.

  4. UPS guy delivering a case of ammo the other day, “hey, got another box of freedom for you.”

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