Article in NYTimes and older one in NY mag.

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

As ,Rawles pointed out over at SurivivalBlog the NY Times (”Pravda On The Hudson”) had an article about the ‘new’ survivalism. The consensus on the various discussion boards seems to be that it was a decent article with only a few jabs thrown in at the more…..elaborately….prepared amongst us.

Hey, more prepared people means less 5.56 ammo I need to keep around. Good on ya.

It reminded me of another article from New York magazine a few years back about NYC survivalists. This one has a much higher tinfoil-hat quotient, but its still a fascinating read.

J. has crossed paths with at least 60 others like him in the city — nouveau survivalists who are equal parts urban and apocalyptic, methodically preparing for a future that was unthinkable to most of us before last September. “I’ve met them, all races, all sizes, even women,” J. says. “Some of them are very extreme. I feel like I’m in the middle. They’re fucking paranoid.”

With that, he stands up: “I’ve got to meet someone.” I shake his hand and start to walk away, but he calls me back.

“After today, if I see you on the street, I don’t know you, you don’t know me. And don’t call me anymore. It has to be that way.”

A very interesting read. The article came out post-9/11 but pre-Katrina so it would be interesting to see someone do a follow up. And, hey, Grace Jones is into preparedness??????
Article in its entirety.

1 thought on “Article in NYTimes and older one in NY mag.

  1. parinoia?

    from time to time have met certain people whom desire that survialists should be arrested and their goodies siezed. Why? Because it is their belief that those whom are prepared for the worst are creating the karma that will make the worst occur. it is wierd, but mostr of these bozos work in government , some even in law enforcement.

    so are we careful or just parinoid? good question! Wildflower 08

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