I have an utterly crappo memory, so when I travel, I tend to forget the URL’s to the various websites check with in my never-ending battle against…uhm…well, whatever it is Im doing battle against. So, Im going to make a page on the website with my personal links so I can have them wherever I go.
Hey, befpre I forget, I wanna wish a happy New Year to the LMI’s and wanna-be LMI’s. Its an election year and the year the assault weapons ban sunsets….keep your fingers crossed.
Im the first to admit, I was surprised that, as far as the media is letting us know, no one pulled off an incident during New Years. Just as well…I dont need things going to hell in a handbasket when Im a couple thousand miles away from all my gear.
I got my DVD copy of “The Omega Man”…say it with me: if its the future, and its bad – Charlton Heston is there!

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