Article – U.S. ‘prepper’ culture diversifies amid fear of disaster and political unrest

Hmm..wanting to be safe and secure isn’t just a white guy thing. Who knew?

LONGMONT, Colorado — Brook Morgan surveyed booths at the “Survival & Prepper Show” in Colorado that were stocked with boxes of ammunition, mounds of trauma medical kits, and every type of knife imaginable.

A self-described “30-year-old lesbian from Indiana,” Morgan is one of a new breed of Americans getting ready to survive political upheaval and natural catastrophes, a pursuit that until recently was largely associated with far-right movements such as white nationalists since the 1980s.

No article about POC (preppers of color) would complete without dialing up the wayback machine to this article about NYC survivalists, and a profile of Aton Edwards who was, at the time, promoting himself as a survivalist. As far as I can tell, that might have been the first media representation of a black survivalist.

Over the years, I’ve met a bunch of survivalists…one of my best friends for a number of years was a gay survivalist. I have another acquaintance who is an Asian survivalist. I also know a Jewish survivalist and at least one somewhat lefty survivalist. I’m less concerned about what you are than I am about who you are.

Interestingly, I dont know any black survivalists but thats mostly because I live in a pretty homogenous place. However, if I met one I wouldn’t have any problem being their friend, assuming we got along on stuff. As a wise man once said, “Racism is a silly philosophy. If you take the time to know someone…really get to know them….you can find a much better reason to hate them.”

A cynic might say “Yeah, got a survivalist buddy who is black/Hispanic/Middle Eastern…that way when the balloon goes up you can have an in with whatever ethnic militia winds up running the show.

Somehow, I don’t think it’ll come to that. But…I’ve been wrong.

If someone wants to take responsibility for their well being, and step up to take care of their loved ones without demanding ‘government should do something’, then we’re probably going to be friends..I don’t care what your melanin count is.

I should also mention I have met survivalists of a much more…unfriendly…type. I used to work with a guy who identified as a white nationalist. Nice enough guy but I would probably keep my distance in a world without 911. Met another guy who said that after the bombs dropped it would be open season on atheists because their lack of religion meant they had no morals to keep them from raping and killing and were therefore a threat to everyone. And, of course, we’ve all met the survivalists whose entire plan for rising out the apocalypse is to simply to take by force from other people (cough*GunKid*cough).

I, for one, welcome anyone into the fold of survivalism who wants the same things I want: safety, security, and liberty.


7 thoughts on “Article – U.S. ‘prepper’ culture diversifies amid fear of disaster and political unrest

  1. Classically people discuss supplies/gear and skills. As we saw first hand with the pandemic, adaptability is pretty critical. Flexibility and judgement about what is over-reacting and what is under-reacting. People may be like-minded but melt like butter under pressure. There were some “well prepared” people who fell off my trusted list and some surprises of who turned out to be solid when their world got shook up.

  2. “A cynic might say “Yeah, got a survivalist buddy who is black/Hispanic/Middle Eastern…that way when the balloon goes up you can have an in with whatever ethnic militia winds up running the show.

    Somehow, I don’t think it’ll come to that. But…I’ve been wrong.”

    I’ve wondered the same thing. My area is about 80% Hispanic (along the Texas border) and being multi-lingual opens a lot of more relaxed settings. Not that they hold things against you because of your race, but not being able to share the language (and their culture) may cause some to hold back. A nervous smile and wave and that is about it.

    That DOES NOT mean you have to wear a sombrero and lead a donkey, lol. Speaking easily with another’s language does help gain at least some trust. If you have some Hispanic friends who openly allow you to share their space and community, you will be easier accepted.

  3. “when the balloon goes up you can have an in with whatever ethnic militia winds up running the show.”

    The main problem with this idea is that, as has been stated elsewhere, “your skin color is your flag” in that situation. Very hard to be accepted by the majority when this is what has developed. The whole situation is driven by the mentality of “us against them”, and you will never get universal acceptance, and that can easily get you, and anyone with you, dead. Unless you are dealing from a position of absolute overmatch in force, stay far away from any group that is based on ethnic standards.

  4. Your readership has a learned wisdom that no media article, or milquetoast prepper imposters can ever accurately delve into. That is, there are real world on the ground realities not explainable by typing up and posting stories, or by citing rarely ever occuring off hand vague personal examples. If a come along lately prepper is just a gear queer imitating local chuds, and still carries ideological baggage or steadfastly holds onto contrary ideology, to only advocate for such later or through subterfuge, then thus this new “fren” is just a trojan horse, or a judas subversive. Let those larpers roleplay away, and filter out those useless fluff filler articles churned out by media on a paid for concocted story posted payment systems. The hard earned phrase of being friendly to all, but having a plan to __________, is an honest response to reality and too numerous examples of not being on guard enough. Survivalism does not do inclusion posturing for profiteering or social justice scoring points. Flush out your helmets, in many a scenario, that wrong thinking contrary to real, live, and in color situations on the ground in your a.o. will get you killed after your new frens are done with your entertainment attributes. Wave and be friendly, but squint and know what you are actually observing, or dealing with.

    A required trait or posture necessary to stay frosty during the spicy.

  5. While I can see the advantage of an underground home for radiation protection, too many blind spots and I wonder about water/leaks as well. As already mentioned a mortgage and insurance may be more difficult or expensive too.

    I like ICF for a hardened prepper home, but I am biased. Besides the additional insulation over stick/brick homes once the siding is on they are indistinguishable from any other home, and they have a long list of ‘resistances’ including:

    small caliber projectiles
    forced entry/vehicle ramming
    air/water infiltration

    And it’s a common enough construction method that a lender/insurance agent won’t laugh when you tell them you want to buy or build one. We built ours almost 20 years ago, two story with 8″ concrete forms, and a passive solar design. Very energy efficient and we sleep well with reinforced concrete between us and everything else. I’d never choose to live in a stick or brick home ever again.

    • It amazes me that so many people like ‘the look’ of a front door with lots of glass, or big sidelights, etc. I mean, yeah, it might be a nice appearance, but besides being insecure as hell you’re giving away privacy.

      ICF is a great approach. Thick, fire-resistant walls are awesome. With clear lines of sight, lights and cameras covering all approaches, open sensors, movement sensors, glass break sensors, panic buttons, garage door sensors, etc. It just doesn’t cost that much for value received.

      And good neighbors.

      And grenade sumps.

      And range markers.

      And FPF stakes.

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