Article – U.S. ‘prepper’ culture diversifies amid fear of disaster and political unrest

Hmm..wanting to be safe and secure isn’t just a white guy thing. Who knew?

LONGMONT, Colorado — Brook Morgan surveyed booths at the “Survival & Prepper Show” in Colorado that were stocked with boxes of ammunition, mounds of trauma medical kits, and every type of knife imaginable.

A self-described “30-year-old lesbian from Indiana,” Morgan is one of a new breed of Americans getting ready to survive political upheaval and natural catastrophes, a pursuit that until recently was largely associated with far-right movements such as white nationalists since the 1980s.

No article about POC (preppers of color) would complete without dialing up the wayback machine to this article about NYC survivalists, and a profile of Aton Edwards who was, at the time, promoting himself as a survivalist. As far as I can tell, that might have been the first media representation of a black survivalist.

Over the years, I’ve met a bunch of survivalists…one of my best friends for a number of years was a gay survivalist. I have another acquaintance who is an Asian survivalist. I also know a Jewish survivalist and at least one somewhat lefty survivalist. I’m less concerned about what you are than I am about who you are.

Interestingly, I dont know any black survivalists but thats mostly because I live in a pretty homogenous place. However, if I met one I wouldn’t have any problem being their friend, assuming we got along on stuff. As a wise man once said, “Racism is a silly philosophy. If you take the time to know someone…really get to know them….you can find a much better reason to hate them.”

A cynic might say “Yeah, got a survivalist buddy who is black/Hispanic/Middle Eastern…that way when the balloon goes up you can have an in with whatever ethnic militia winds up running the show.

Somehow, I don’t think it’ll come to that. But…I’ve been wrong.

If someone wants to take responsibility for their well being, and step up to take care of their loved ones without demanding ‘government should do something’, then we’re probably going to be friends..I don’t care what your melanin count is.

I should also mention I have met survivalists of a much more…unfriendly…type. I used to work with a guy who identified as a white nationalist. Nice enough guy but I would probably keep my distance in a world without 911. Met another guy who said that after the bombs dropped it would be open season on atheists because their lack of religion meant they had no morals to keep them from raping and killing and were therefore a threat to everyone. And, of course, we’ve all met the survivalists whose entire plan for rising out the apocalypse is to simply to take by force from other people (cough*GunKid*cough).

I, for one, welcome anyone into the fold of survivalism who wants the same things I want: safety, security, and liberty.


Article – Michigan sheriff Dar Leaf offers ‘militia course’

Michigan Sheriff Dar Leaf is offering a “militia course” to residents, according to a Friday Facebook post.

The constitutionalist sheriff posted a graphic for enrollment to “learn a militiaman’s duty” for “potential jurors, homeschoolers, ladies & gentlemen.”

This goes one of two ways: either a) he’s a True Believer and this is something he’s doing in good faith, or, b) this is how you get a list of names and addresses for future roundups and surveillance.

I knew lots of ‘militia types’ back in the 90’s. Heck, I’ve chatted with Johnny Trochman dozens of times at gun shows, met Randy Weaver and Bo Gritz, and been to a few ‘concerned citizens meetings’. By and large it’s all been beer-bellied armchair warriors who would probably not pick up a rifle in ‘defense of liberty’ until the battle was 99% over and there was no risk to their retirements, jobs, mortgages, and dualies. On the other hand, I’ve also met some True Believers and often they were even more sketch because you got the feeling that they weren’t going to support a revolution, rather they were gonna start one. Again, stay away.

If you and four buddies want to take your preparedness to the next level and form a ‘mutual ad group’ or some sort of semi-organized club where you all look out for each other in anticipation of tough times, that is awesome. More people need to do that. And if it incorporates going to gun schools, medical training, finance classes, welding school, extension classes, backpacking weekends, and a touch of small group tactics….good on ya. But for the love of Crom, don’t give your group a name and fancy velcro patch to slap on your cammies. All the badges are gonna be extremely wary of those ‘Paul Revere Militia’ guys that they see tromping through the national forest every weekend in their cammies, and they’re gonna be a lot less curious about the four or five guys with binoculars and bird books they see tromping through that same forest every weekend.

Five Gulf War/GWOT vets getting together on weekends to hike the woods and look for morel mushrooms is a lot less attention catching than those same five guys hiking the woods in multicam and toting rifles. Use your head.

Would I go to a meeting like the one described in the opening paragraph? Probably not. But I wold darn sure find someone who did go and ask them to tell me all about it and share any materials that were offered just so I could evaluate it for myself.


Article – Inside the American Redoubt

North Idaho has long been home to those seeking to escape the looming collapse of America. This is a region doused in frontier spirit; a land where people openly carry guns, and where bounty hunters still operate, tracking down fugitives hoping to bolt into Canada. It is here, on rugged fringes stalked by mountain lions, bears and wolves, that the American Redoubt was born.

Yet another article about the ‘American Redoubt’, as coined by Friend Of The Blog ™ ,Rawles.

The article doesn’t really cover any new ground, but I usually read these things with a critical eye because invariably they tend to imply a sinister racial overtone. People see ‘Idaho’, ‘Survivalist’, and ‘Bunker’ and the association is made. This article seems to skate around that but there is this gem “the Redoubt, and the man behind it, have become a threat to liberal America”. I wouldn’t have phrased it that way. Any threat is the kind posed by any idea that has the potential to change a  person’s beliefs.

Its the same ‘threat’ posed by reading ‘Atlas Shrugged’ or studying a new religion – a change to your way of thinking and evaluating the world. And, if someone thinks ideas are a threat then maybe they need to re-evaluate the belief they hold that feels so threatened.

The notion of a ‘Redoubt’ isn’t a threat to anyone except people who prefer that individuals who want to think for themselves be isolated from other like-minded folks. And, here’s the cool thing about living in a somewhat-free country – if you move to the Redoubt and don’t like it, you can move back.

Anyway, interesting article if you can adjust your footing for the slant.

Article – How to survive nuclear war after a bomb is dropped: what to do, how to prepareArticle –

Some light reading for Saturday:

If Russia launched a weapon from international waters just off the East Coast, people in cities like New York, Boston, and Washington, DC, might have just 10 to 15 minutes to prepare.

“You wouldn’t even have time to go get your kids from school,” Irwin Redlener, a public-health expert at Columbia University who specializes in disaster preparedness, told Insider last year.
Arguably, the American public is not as prepared or educated on what to do in the event of a nuclear attack as Americans were during the Cold War, when fallout shelters, , and air raid sirens
were in place across the nation. So here’s a minute-by-minute guide to help.

Llikelihood of the classic Reagan-era all-out nukefest actually happening? Pretty small, I think. But all it takes is one thermonuclear weapon to ruin your whole day and , besides, this information may prove to come in handy some day.

Article – The high price of low interest rates

An article by author Lionel Shriver about how we are now paying for the years of low interest rates and what to expect going forward. Shriver, you may recall, is the author of, among other works, the rather probably-prescient The Mandibles.

Paltry interest rates haven’t only been profoundly unjust – making a mockery of prudence, frugality and the old-fashioned habit of paying for stuff with money you’ve already made, while encouraging recklessness, profligacy and the terribly modern habit of buying stuff with money you may never earn. Nil rates were also systemically irresponsible. Reward debt, get more debt. It shouldn’t surprise central bankers that sovereign debt is through the roof (the US government now owes an unimaginable $31 trillion, the UK government nearly 100 per cent of GDP), that corporations have never been more leveraged, or that household debt is climbing towards its pre-2008 high. Soaring debt is intrinsically unstable – building an economy on borrowed money is like constructing a house atop a big black pit – and fiscal stability is what central banks are meant to ensure, not an ever-rising stock market.

To paraphrase Ayn Rand, you can ignore bad fiscal policy but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring bad fiscal policy.

Article – The Easiest Ways to Open a Can Without a Can Opener

Probably nothing you didn’t already know, but still worth a read.

One basic rule of life is that everything is easy with the proper tools, and nearly impossible without them. A great example of how this works is the can opener: Although we’ve had the pull-tab design since 1962, you can still somehow find plenty of canned goods on the grocery shelves that lack this simple advancement—and if you have one and lack a can opener, you will quickly learn the definition of futility.

I have opened cans with a knife before…it isn’t fun, but it isn’t terribly difficult either. I have not tried the spoon method yet. If you’re a survivalist of any stripe, you always have a knife handy even if you dont have a can opener or multitool on you. And, yes, a P38 works well and takes up no space on your keychain.

My experience is that the can openers on a Swiss Army knife or multitool do excellent jobs and have the bonus of being part of a larger ‘multitasker’…in other words, a multitool with a can opener is more useful than a can opener by itself.

By the way, when it comes to #10 cans of food for storage, I always tape a P38 to the bottom of every second or third can. Theyre cheap, small, and a far better choice than banging a screwdriver with a rock.

Article – Scientists used computer to predict exactly when society will collapse in 21st century

Scientists during the 1970s used a computer and observations on changing trends to predict exactly when society would collapse.

The scientific observation was carried out by a group of scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) more than five decades ago.

According to their findings, the prediction made was that society would crumble near the midpoint of the 21st century in 2040.


In 2009, a different team of researchers did a similar study which American Scientist published.

They issued that the model’s results were “almost exactly on course some 35 years later” – with a few appropriate assumptions.

The predictions have not been invalidated and appear to be quite on target.

As I’ve said, more than once, unless you’re the guy who actually has his finger on the Big Red Button no one can say with any real authority when the end of the world is going to happen. It can happen over a length of time that is measured in years, or it can happen in a literal instant/ No one knows. Of course, you can observe events and come to your own conclusions about the likelihood of things happening and when, but normally … no, no one knows.

While I recognize that at any moment the Yellowstone volcano can go off, an asteroid may hit, or Wuhan Flu may evolve into a species-killer….the horse I’ve got money on is ‘Economic turbulence’ to win.

Fortunately, many perperations cover multiple forms of apocalypse….whether its the return of Xenu, a comet strike, or invasion by China you’ll still need the basics like food, water, ammo, meds, etc. So, while one size does not fit all, there is a lot of cross-apocalypse preps to be tucked away.

I’ve been hearing about the end of the world my entire adult life…it was the Soviets, Y2k, Bird flu, SARS, terrorism, peak oil, etc, etc….and yet I’m still here. But even a broken calendar is right once a year so…I keep living that quiet-yet-tactical life. haven’t really had much reason to regret it yet.

Article – The Future Dystopic Hellscape Is Upon Us: The Rise and Fall of the Ultimate Doomsday Prepper

You know how bridal shops and wedding related businesses make so much money? They do it by catering (so to speak) to a dream or fantasy. Brides have this notion in their head of ‘their special day’ and how they want it exactly a particular way. As a result, when there is suddenly an extra $600 charge for flowers that wasn’t there in the initial budget..well….it’s okay because everything has to be ‘perfect’.

Before any Gyno-Americans accuse me of sexism, there’s a similar costs-be-damned fantasy world that strikes Penile-Americans as well. Case in point, this fascinating article about something I’ve commented on before – the opportunists who (supposedly) build ‘retreats’ and sell ‘memberships’ to people who want to ride out Ragnarok without having to do the heavy lifting themselves:

Barrett Moore had ordered 2 million N95 masks, held enough freeze-dried food to feed families hiding from global Armageddon for decades, owned a small arsenal of guns, and fortified a pole barn in which to wait out the collapse of civilization. But he had something no one else could buy: knowledge that the end was coming and that the supply chains would snap; the best hope your family had was holing up in his northern Michigan compound while things fell apart. The price for this service would run in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, to be paid in installments.

This is a fascinating article that encapsulates everything I’ve seen in the last twenty years or so in regards to ‘membership’ survival retreats…big promises, big names, big money, big ideas, big disappointments, and big embarrassment .

Here’s something to think about – if you’re going to be a member of a ‘survival group’ or organization, membership should be based on something other than money – race, religion, political leaning, ethnicity, familial relation, shared history, etc, etc. If the only membership requirement to get in is to write a check, then in my opinion you are making a mistake.

Whether you know it or not, you’re probably already part of a very informal survival group. You, your spouse, your neighbor who you go shooting with, the guy at work you share books about prepping with, the brother in law who splits a beef with you once a year….shutdown the power grid, roll those people together, and you’ve pretty much got your own ad-hoc ‘survival group’ that would probably be a lot more cohesive than a half dozen families whose only common denominator was the ability to write a check.

Anyway… it’s an interesting read and, really, you should see the red flags a mile away. But, like the bride who justifies every ridiculous extra expense because its ‘her special day’, a lot of people bought a ticket to a ride like this because it catered to their end-of-the-world ‘fantasies’. The moral of the story here is, I think, thatif you really, genuinely believe in your particular version of the end of the world to the point you’d give a con man a million bucks, then you should have been smart enough to realize you’d have been better off spending that million on your own, personal, private version of that commercial retreat.

Video – How long could you survive in a supermarket

If you remember the fast-zombie movie, 28 Days Later, there was a scene where the survivors find a supermarket and load up. One of the interesting things in the scene was that the irradiated produce held up much better than the non-irradiated. On a side note, irradiated produce is far more common in Europe than it is in the US because, it seems, we in the US have a knee-jerk reaction to the word ‘irradiated’. If you knew how much stuff in this country is sterilized through irradiation (esp. in the medical industry) I think you’dbe quite surprised.

Anyway, its a trope of apocalypse fiction that survivors either a) find supermarkets that are looted and beyond salvage or b) spared from looting and are treasure trove of unimaginable stores. Which raises an interesting question: if you had a supermarket all to yourself, how long would you be able to survive? Well, someone did the math:

I very much like the fact that they address the issue of food spoilage for the dairy and deli counters. But I think that if you hit the home canning aisle, and then the housewares aisle, you could at least get enough gear to water-bath can some of the produce. If they had a pressure canner on the rack in the home canning aisle you’d be freakin’ golden.

Realistically, I doubt getting locked inside a supermarket is an actual apocalypse thing. Even in post-apocalyptic fiction you’d have to do some pretty deus ex machina to contrive a logical reason for people to be locked in a supermarket (Stephen King’s “The Mist” not withstanding). More likely, you’d have survivors ‘own’ the supermarket and guard it as an extremely high-value resource…assuming they don’t start methodically taking the contents back to their stronghold.

But, if you were forced to stay in a supermarket, how long would you be able to keep from starving? TL;DR = 63 years.

I can’t think of any disaster that would preclude me from being able to otherwise source food for 63 years but…good to know that if I hit the local Safeway as the sole survivor of..whatever…I can cross ‘food’ off my list for the rest of my life.

Article – Want to Get Out Alive? Follow the Ants

Here’s an interesting question for you. Imagine you have a room full of people. In the middle of the length of one wall there is an emergency exit. Call an emergency and have everyone try to leave as quickly as possible through the exit. Time/count the amount of people that make it through the exit. Now repeat the same experiment, but put an obstruction in front of the emergency a stanchion or room divider. Do you wind up with more or less people exiting quickly? Surprisingly…more.

Shiwakoti experimented with different exit scenarios using square petri dishes that had exits located in the middle of a side and in the corner. Shiwakoti found that an exit located in the middle of the wall with no obstacles in front of it was the least efficient set up. He measured the efficiency of an exit by the amount of time it took the ants to get through it. On average, it took 50 ants 18 seconds to get through an unobstructed mid-side exit. Adding a column in front of the mid-side exit reduced that time to 14 seconds. A corner exit with a column in front had an escape time of less than 11 seconds. But the best escape time was achieved with a corner exit without a column in front—less than 9.5 seconds.

A very interesting article. TL;DR version…if you ‘obstruct’ the exit somehow, you reduce the number of avenues of approach which reduces congestion at the exit. You ‘funnel’ traffic more effectively.

I bring this up because, first of all it is fascinatingly counterintuitive, but also because I was thinking about the little habits we get into as survivalists (or, arguably, the little habits we should get into) and the one that I was reminded of was that whenever you enter any space (a building, a fenced area, a room, a theater, a mall, a bus, etc) one of the first things you should do is look for the alternate ways to get out of there other than the way you just came in. Most people do not do this. This means that when someone yells ‘fire’ in that crowded theater, 99% of the people are gonna run to where they came in….you, on the other hand, will head to the exit that is being virtually ignored. Which brought me to another interesting bit of data about emergency exits. Quick: what color is the exit sign? Red, right? Thats what we usually see. But in virtually everywhere else but North America exit signs are green. Why? Because almost universally red means ‘stop’ or ‘danger’, and green means ‘safe’ or ‘go’. So when you are engaged in looking for the exit sign, you have to be cognizant of the fact the exit could be green or red.

Another little known fact, but one that makes epic sense if you think about it: emergency doors must open outwards…and any entrance/exit that uses a revolving door must be flanked by conventional doors. Think about it…a crowd of panicked people surging against an exit door means if you had to pull it open, you’d die. And a revolving door is 50/50 even when there isn’t a panic. Where did these rules come from? Bad times in history.

A fascinating little rabbit hole I wound up in today as I was thinking about remembering to be more diligent about checking out where the exits are.