Oh, Canaduh….

The solution to the jungle encroaching on civilization is to grab a machete and beat the jungle back, not spread out fertilizer and water.

From the NotSoGreatWhiteNorth:

To protect yourself from a home invasion that is oriented at stealing your vehicle, the Toronto cops say to leave your keys prominently by the front door so the bad guys don’t have to come after you once they kick in your front door. I was going to say “You can’t make this stuff up”, but it’s Canada so it actually seems pretty legit.

Look, I know that Canada is, essentially, an entire country made of Nerf and that whatever national reserve of BFYTW was exhausted long before this weasel minced into power, but this is just plain embarrassing. I have no doubt there are individuals up there in Canuckistan who are aghast at this sort of pandering and are more than happy to light someone up who tries to kick in their front door for a set of car keys…I just wish they got some air time. This isn’t a good look for you, Neville Chamberlain Canada.

Someone comes through your front door like a homicidal KoolAid man, the solution is not appeasement but rather ‘sudden battle … with utter recklessness’, as Heinlein might say. This devolution of society, where things like appeasing illegal aliens, squatters, and home invaders are going from bad ideas to actual policy, continues because we let it. There’ll be a tipping point eventually, and when it happens it won’t stop there. Those will be some interesting times.

39 thoughts on “Oh, Canaduh….

    • Oh no we’re not! In fact gun ownership has continued to increase over the last few years – especially out west. They don’t call Alberta “Texas North” for nothing.

      • Yeah, when you have Constitutional Carry or any form of unimpeded possession and carry with strict Castle Doctrine (stand your ground) come back and we’ll discuss

  1. How do you know they just want your car and they don’t want to hurt your family? Is there some sort of questionnaire you can have them fill out first? Do they get to change their mind after they have submitted it?

  2. People talk about the “tipping point” and the time when the sheeple resist… it’s not coming folks. Toys trump freedoms everytime in this new era of tyranny and servitude.

  3. Having lived in the great white north for twelve years, and holding a PAL (Permission and Acquisition License) to purchase legal guns, I have a perhaps unique perspective.

    There is no right to own firearms in Canada. The RCMP keeps a list of ‘legal’ guns, and the AR was on it: Until one day they decided it wasn’t, and owners had to get rid of them. No compensation.

    There is no inherent right of self defense, ESPECIALL with a firearm. Kill, injure, harm, or even speak crossly to a certified bad guy after he breaks into your home and proceeds to rape your wife, and you will be prosecuted by the Crown: They spend a great deal of time drawing out the process so you are ruined even if you are found not guilty (or the crown decides to close the charges).

    And the only lawful way to store a firearm in Canada is locked in a safe or something close to it, with a trigger lock on handguns, and ammo kept in a separate locked storage. So you’re not going to have time to fumble all that together some dark night.

    In short, the inhabitants of Canada are not citizens, they are serfs, allowed to do only what their masters tolerate.

  4. Do I grab the 870 or the M1A Tanker…………the 870 or the M1A……….the 870 or the..Damn it! had to smoke em with the 9mm…sadness, empty brass everywhere now.

  5. I have a relative who works a part-time retirement job in Florida at a mobile home park. Lots of snowbirds. Canadians, he says, are the friendliest people. (New Yorkers are the worst. No news there.)
    Canadians seemed to have sold their soul to the socialist state a long time ago. Yet, foreigners still immigrate to Canada. Maybe they have added their own socialist propensities to the political mix there?

    • Canadians are passive-aggressive. The reason hockey is so popular? It gives them an outlet to beat the crap out of others.

      Fully 50% of the patients I saw in the emergency room (for mostly non-emergency reasons but Canadian health scare, eh?) were on various psychotropic meds – antidepressants mostly. This is in addition to alcohol and cannabis. The kids, about 30% on prescribed antidepressants, and 50% on alcohol and cannabis.

      They seem nice, but to do otherwise would lead to murder and mayhem, especially in the winter months. Cabin fever is a thing

    • I’m in the UK and have met a few people who moved to Canada. Most of them I found out were planinng on getting Canadian citizenship and then moving to the USA. All they needed to do to live and work in the USA was move out no more than six months of being there, (google flag-polling ) it was not to much work for them to have a day out in Canada. I have no idea how it worked out for them.

  6. Commander:
    Britain is, if anything, further down this perverted rabbit hole than Canada is.
    It is already true that if you hit – much less injure – one of these poor, misunderstood victims of a racist system who chose YOU to give them a donation, you will get a much longer sentence than they will.
    I really wish I had enough money to get out of this twisted sh*thole…


    • Just hop a plane and walk over the border,free,free,free, free everything. Might have to get some sharp elbows with MS-13 and chinese military or a few terrorists but come on in and squat a while

      • VT:
        Wow! That came out really clear – considering how far your tongue was in your cheek at the time…
        I’m White, Christian and Straight.
        The Wokes wouldn’t let me get a cent!
        Besides, when it comes to the CCP, who do you think funds the Wokes?


  7. What would happen if someone loaded up a car with kaboom materials and left the key on the front porch? Asking for a friend in Canada.

    • W Wilson:
      About the same as if you left a primed Grenade in a box in your home with a “Do not touch” label on it!
      If you aren’t a Woke – or someone they love- You MUST be wrong…


  8. As per normal, people equate what happens in Ontario, and especially in Toronto, ( or Moronto as we often refer to it) as the norm across the country, and judge all Canadians by this standard. C’mon people! We are a huge country with different attitudes in different regions. I don’t judge the entire U.S. by what happens in California, or New York.

    As mentioned above, we don’t have a 2A, and out leader has declared that using a firearm for self defense is not a right, but that doesn’t mean that the entire country agrees with this, or just because our would-be dictator declares it that it is true. Come on out to Alberta or Saskatchewan and you’ll probably find that many people’s attitudes are very similar to yours south of the 49th.

    • I lived in (mostly) Ottawa (or Ottadu’h), worked there, and up and down the 401 all the way to Windsor. Mostly the same (except for Quinte….)

      I also did some work in Quebec, and in the far, far north. My BIL is an Emergency Nurse in Vancouver, much the same out there.

      Canada is not the US and I doubt that Canadians will ever become free

      • Unfortunately your experiences, and your BIL seem to be mostly the large urban centrers, except for your time up north. Like I said above, Ontario is much like New York and BC is much like California. You don’t judge all of the U.S. by New York and Los Angeles, yet we get judged by Toronto and Vancouver. Both New York and Los Angeles are crazy-assed shit holes from what I understand, with the most radical left governments, much like Toronto and Vancouver

        • My side job was working on merging hospital electronic health records from every hospital and clinic in Ontario…Most of which were not in big cities. A 20 bed clinic? Still screwed up. Thats even before getting onto the reserves.

          I can certainly compare to California (I was born, educated and worked there 20 years), but face it, I’ve been exposed to a majority of the population of Canada (38 million or so, with 15 million in Ontario and 9 in Quebec).

          • Isn’t it interesting that all the socialist/totalitarian states start with C and end with A? Cuba, China, Canada, California……

    • Canada has about 12% of the total US population and there are less people in all of Canada than in just California by comparison. So, it can be rather easy to lump you all together, rightly or wrongly!!

      When, you have a Crown governmental system, you started out and end as a subject and never to be a citizen.

      • And just to make it extra interesting: 90% plus of the Canadian population lives within 100 miles of the US border.

        And Canada is a BIG country – the second largest in land mass. And the provinces are big too. Ottawa is about as far east in Ontario as one can get, and a comparison I like to use is that from Ottawa I could get in a car and drive south, and in 24 hours of driving be in Key West, Florida (google maps says 27 hours, but I drive like an American)….

        And depending on the snow, I could head west from Ottawa and in 24 hours still be in Ontario

    • Positive about that? Our state intelligence agency issued a report last year that showed that every Federal election since 1982 has been, to one degree or other, interfered with by the CCP.
      Our federal politicians were bought and paid for 40 years ago, beginning with the current retard’s dad. TINVOWOOT, and that’s a fact.
      It’s been a long, strange trip, but it isn’t brave.
      It isn’t new.
      And it’s not over.

  9. From reports I’m getting from on the ground. The people are sick if being taxed and bullied by the biological son of Fidel Castro. The Conservative party in Canada has been mending their fences within their party. A leader has emerged who appears to be gaining support.
    My sources are reporting people are fed up with the Liberals.

  10. We put democracy on a pedestal. Anyone who criticizes democracy is quickly marked “radical.”

    Yet, democracy like that in Canada can be a “tyranny of the mediocre.” The minority is doomed to live their lives controlled by a pliable majority.

    By comparison, take another flawed place, California. In the mid-1980s, it had a Republican governor who served two terms. He was followed by another Republican governor who served an additional two terms. With uncontrolled immigration, however, both legal and illegal, the state’s politics changed. (One-third of all US immigrants head for California.) As a result, California was transformed into the progressive paradise it is today.

    When the elites control almost all of the mainstream media and social media platforms, the people “who are not paying attention” are manipulated almost with joystick-like precision, but they are not intelligent/informed enough to realize it.

    In some ways, it is like fighting a war of attrition. No matter how righteous one side’s cause might be, if the other side has endless resources and manpower, it will be difficult to achieve victory. It is the same way in political contests when one side has an (almost) endless voter pool of poorly informed or simply close-minded voters who are blinded by totally selfish partisan interests, selfish interests that are contrary to the interests of the country as a whole.

    A large part of this sheep-like portion of the public simply doesn’t care, i.e., “What’s all of this political crap got to do with me? I don’t care and I don’t have time for it.”

    This attitude is exactly what the power players strive to achieve, and the cycle continues. It can only be thwarted by the arrival of a transformative, quasi-Messianic political figure of a very different bent who can deliver a wakeup call and galvanize the masses.

    Yet, even if democracy is a very flawed manner of governing, I have no better solution to offer. I simply recognize it for what it is.

    • Survivormann99:
      Don’t you mean
      “Tyranny BY the mediocre”?
      Why do people keep voting for these window-lickers…


  11. Democracy…. what a dreadful thought. Continually and very purposefully pushed by the Democrats to the ignorant masses. Thank God we have a representative republic. You just have to wonder at what point… if ever people will say “enough” with the lunacy?

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