Shopping trip

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

What with the price of gas and all, we try to keep the trips to the Big Box Stores to a minimum. When we do go we try to hit ‘em all at once since theyre all along the same stretch of road. No point making the trip more than once, you know? So we saddled up and headed to SuperWallyWorld for some groceries and assorted items.

As has been mentioned elsewhere in the blogosphere, the price of the Federal .22 brick ammo was indeed up..about $13.50 now. This is up about a buck from last time we were there. Signs of the times, I suppose. Every time we head up there we try to make sure we pick up two boxes of the stuff. The way ammo has been increasing in price these days it seems like .22’s are about the only way I can afford to practice.

This trip I was doing some price comparisons on canning jars and lids. The good news was that WallyWorld had the Kerr jars for about $1.00 less per case than elsewhere. The bad news was that you could see there had been a rather large dent made in their supply of them. And they were totally out of lids and bands. Well, it is getting to be about the time of year when folks start pulling stuff outta the garden and putting it by.  I picked up a couple cases of pint jars for my next soup-making extravaganza and made a note to stock up on lids and bands elsewhere.

Trip to CostCo was rather uneventfull. Ground beef hovers at $3/# and I picked up another 10# to get re-packaged, vacuum sealed and stuffed away in the freezer. Same for some chicken.

Finally, we headed to the gas pumps filled up the truck and the spare gas cans (I had rotated out some gas) and called it a day.

The girlfriend ( or ex-girlfriend, I guess, since we’re married now) said that nothing gave her a feeling of security like having a little money in the bank for emergencies, a good supply of gas, and food in the freezer. Can’t argue with that.

1 thought on “Shopping trip

  1. 22 ammo

    been buying it from time to time along with condoms, asprin, and whole spices. at least like tobacco and liquior, can barter trade it all faster than gold or silver coins for goods and services.

    as for storing fuel, especially gasoline mixed with ethenol, before pouring into fuel tank, decant off the lighter gasoline from the bottom layers of ethenol and water. gallon glass jugs and jars exellent for visual decanting. add a water seperator filter to engine for additional protection.

    yes gas prices are going down, but diesel and home heating oil has not. it may be a colder winter this season, a lot of folks going to suffer badly so lay in extra money towards future purchases be a good idea now.

    meanwhile any little zeros yet? Wildflower 08

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