Ten years on

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

I noticed over on ,Rawles’ SurvivalBlog that there is a link to a trailer out for the upcoming movie “The Road”. It appears bleak, stark and utterly gloomy which is, I would imagine, what the end of the world would be. For me, the gloomiest, most hopeless End Of The World movie was ‘Threads‘…a British import that was pretty darn depressing.

A common theme in both appears to be the notion that even a decade after the apocalyptic event society will still be in total shambles with the usual Mad Max cast of characters running around.

Im not sure that an event can take place that will knock the socks off humanity so hard that ten years down the road we’re eating the weak, engaging in white slavery, and taking orders from the Lord Humongous (The ayatollah of rock n’ rollah, you know).

Asteroid strike? Sure…that’ll put a crimp in things but ten years? I dunno? Peak oil? I dont think so. Global warming? Get real.

Even the much vaunted (and discredited) ‘nuclear winter’ scenarios don’t seem to keep civilization on its knees that long. Sure there may be a lot less people around at the end of that ten years than at the beginning but I doubt theyre going to be cannibalistic mutant savages.

Or maybe Im an optimist.

I think about some of the truly horrible historical events that knocked civilization on its ass and not many went on for ten years in terms of their effect….the Black Death ran for less than 10 years, World War 2, depending on where you lived, ran for about five years. Events that had people as desperate and doomed in year ten as they were in year one? Not many spring to mind. I suppose some political regimes like the Soviets and specifically the Stalin years might count but they were regional…not exactly a global thing.

Regardless, I’ll go see this movie. Movies like this always give me impetus to stay focused and prepared, even if the situations portrayed arent plausible to me.