WikiLeaks, food, dog chewies

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Im of a mixed mind on this WikiLeaks brouhaha. On the one hand, yeah it can be damaging. But, on the other hand, I think it shows (and confirms) that things really arent what we’ve come to believe they are. We really don’t have any allies, there really are nations that are doing things we see as a threat, and the people running the show arent the saintly personages they would have us think they are. This is news to some folks, but it isnt to many. Why would any nation subordinate its own interests to another? Why would we think for a minute that countries like Pakistan, China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, etc, have anything but their own interests at the forefront of the decision making process? I suppose that, more than anything else, this dissemination of information underscores just who is and isnt our friends these days. And, unsurprisingly, it appears we have very few friends. I’d almost go so far as to say that we have only two categories to choose from – enemies and indifferent disinterested parties.
One of the small joys in life. Recall this post. That deal has come to pass again. This means I can, in one fell swoop (whatever the hell a fell swoop is) rotate my entire stock of spaghetti sauce out. I’ll pick up a couple cases, put them in the bunker, and take whats in the bunker and move it to the high cabinets in the kitchen for normal usage. w00t for sales.
I had, out of that box of goodies from SG, 31 pairs of gloves. 20 German mitts, 10 wool liners, and 1 pair of nice gloves. The German mitts were around $1 ea. The liners around $2 each. The nice gloves were $18. Of those 31 articles of clothing which one do you think the dog decided to turn into a chew toy? Yup. I am…annoyed. But..I have no one to blame but me. I suppose I shoulda put them somewhere outta his reach.
This dog is steadily reinforcing my conviction that having kids is a baaaaaaad idea.