End of the world roadshow

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

I cannot possibly know what to make of this:
‘Awesome, it’s the end of the world’: Doomsday campers travel the country preaching the Apocalypse…on May 21

According to the Church’s website, there are two ‘proofs’ that May 21 2011 is the judgement day.
According to them, Noah’s great flood occurred in the year 4990 B.C., ‘exactly’ 7000 years ago.
At the time, God said to Noah he had seven days before the flood would begin.
Taking a passage from 2 Peter 3:8, in which it is said a day for God is like a thousand human years, the church reasoned that seven ‘days’ equals 7000 human years from the time of the flood,making 2011 the year of the apocalypse.
In its second ‘proof’ the exact date is revealed by working forward from the exact date of the of the crucifixion – April 1, 33 AD.
According to their reasoning, there are exactly 722,500 days from April 1, 33 A.D. until May 21, 2011 – the alleged day of judgement.
This number can be represented as follows: 5 x 10 x 17 x 5 x 10 x 17 = 722,500.
The church then argues that numbers in the bible have special meanings, with the number 5 signifying atonement or redemption, the number 10 signifying ‘completeness’ and the number 17 equalling heaven.

Seriously? Given the whole bizarre numerology angle you could infer pretty much anything you wanted. I’d love to meet one of these nutjobs and ask them, if they truly believe what they are saying then sign over their house to me since it won’t be doing them any good after next year. See how strong their convictions are then.

That reminds me of the guy selling Rapture insurance for pets. When your invisible man in the sky summons you ‘home’ and you leave this world behind, for a nominal fee this fella will look after your pets. Hey, if you really believe the world is gonna end on a particular date…..

This 2012 stuff is absurd. The notion that because the Mayan calendar ends in 2012 the world will end makes no logical sense. I have a Dilbert calendar that ended on 12/31/2010, by the same logic the world should have ended the day after that.

Someday the word is going to end, but these clowns arent in on any inside secret about when its going to happen.