Turning Japanese

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

As I tool around the interweb looking for information about the aftermath of the earthquake/tsunami/Godzilla attack in Japan I keep seeing posts urging people to pray for the people in Japan. Pray to whom? The same god that sent the earthquake and tsunami? Thank you sir, may I have another?

The Japanese are a completely different culture from ours. Their mainstreamed interest in tentacle porn, dressing 40-year-old moms in sailor/schoolgirl outfits, and institutionalized xenophobia and sexism pretty much underscore that. But everyone pretty much agrees that, by and large, the national character of the Japanese, at least as it is portrayed to us Westerners, is that they are, above all, conformists. Part of the hive. “The nail that sticks up gets hammered down” as they like to say.

Will we see the classic post-disaster looting and violence that happens when a disaster strikes elsewhere in the world? I doubt it. Oh, sure…there’ll be some action here and there but by and large I’d imagine that its going to be a rather orderly and professional relief effort. Although the pictures of the damage are compelling, Im more interested in pictures and stories detailing the rescues and relief operations. These people have been expecting this sort of thing for quite some time, Im curious to see how their national preparedness pays off.

Then theres the little matter of that nuclear reactor that may or may not be melting down. Bad luck to get nuked by an enemy in a war…twice, really rotten luck to wind up doing it to yourself. I would think that the Chernobyl episode gave them a little bit of insight into how to manage a crisis like this.

Anyway, it should be interesting to see how things develop over the next few days. Already the interweb is abuzz with predictions that the increased frequency and intensity of earthquakes these days is proof that the end of the word is right around the corner…like, oh, 2012 or so. Still not buying it. Geological processes happen regardless of the calendar. All those Pacific locations are sitting on ticking time bombs and sometimes one of ‘em just goes blooey. No sinister, mystical or religious influence necessary.