About blogging

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

I’ve been quiet for the last few days because, honestly, I’ve not much to say. :::shrug::: I’d say that on the average I probably post every third day or so. It would be nice to post something relevant, timely, and original every day but that’s just too much work for a non-commercial endeavor. Non-commercial? Pretty much. I see quite a few blogs that have links to stuff to purchase off Amazon and while that seems like a great idea, I didn’t really get into this for the money. (Fame, sure; ego gratification, yes; chicks, absolutely; money, not so much.) I originally started blogging because preparedness was something of a large interest in my life and I wanted to write about my experiences and ideas but wanted to keep it separate from another blog I was doing.

How long? Well, the first post I made would have been around 2003 which puts me a bit earlier than our buddy ,Rawles at SurvivalBlog. I havent looked around too deeply, but I dont see many survival/preparedness blogs that are still active that go back that far. I might be in a fairly small group.

Has the blogging been rewarding? Yes and no. Sometimes it’s a chore, there’s a small amount of expense involved, and often it feels like talking into a microphone that isn’t wired to anything. On the other hand, I’ve met some nice people (online and in real life), discovered many other blogs that I enjoy reading, have learned things, discovered new resources, and have sometimes gotten a free goodie out of the deal. Overall, the best thing I get out of the blogging experience is validation. Other than opsec, one reason many people keep their interest to themselves is because they don’t want to be thought of as weird, strange or nuts. But through blogging I encounter many, many people with the same interests, the same ideas, the same concerns, and the same beliefs…and it’s refreshing to be able to talk freely about this sort of stuff and not get people looking at me like I have two heads. (This is one of the reasons I enjoy going to the LDS cannery – a dozen people packaging food for long term storage are all going to have similar mindsets as myself and be a pleasure to talk to.)

Do I have any plans to change things? Not really. Things on this blog aren’t really driven by readership because, well, I’m not doing it for you, I’m doing it for me. I like writing and , hopefully, you like reading. But I write about what I want, when I want, how I want….thats just the way it is when you don’t have to answer to anybody. I try to keep to a few simple guidelines – I avoid profanity (although youre welcome to use it), I try to keep the politics to a minimum, I try to keep the place religion-free, and I try to keep a fairly open mind. Pretty simple stuff, really.

I bring all of this up because, as I mentioned, I haven’t posted much the last few days. Every day isn’t an adventure in preparedness…or even a mundane day in preparedness. Theres the usual grind of regular day-to-day living that has nothing to do with preparedness, but why would I post about that here? So if you see things seem quiet for a few days it is most likely because I simply have ‘real life’ stuff to do and the preparedness stuff and my secret life as Commander Zero get put aside for a few days while I do work stuff, play Warcraft, hang out with friends, etc, etc.

Will I ever stop blogging about this stuff? Sure. Someday there’ll be a post saying that I’ve said all I need to say and that I’m moving on to other things. But I don’t see that happening anytime soon. I like blogging and scattering my ‘brain droppings’, as Carlin would call them, all over the internet. There may be times when there’ll be nothing new to say and I might cover some old ground, but I think I’ll be good for at least several posts a week for the forseeable future.