Pelican cases at CostCo

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Buddy of mine called me yesterday to alert me that our local CostCo was selling Pelican cases. Hmmmm. I went up there and, sure enough, there was a stack of ‘em. Two different sizes – the Pelican 1750 for $199.99 and the Pelican 1400 for , I think, $69.99.

These prices aren’t great, but if you peruse Amazon and a few other sources you’ll see that these cases are often on a two-tier pricing: for cases with or without foam. These cases at CostCo come with the foam, and even if the prices are the same as elsewhere on the net at least you can save a few bucks on shipping.

However, I suspect if you shop hard on eBay you might find a better deal, even with the shipping. Nonetheless, for the local LMI, it might be worth heading up there and checking it out.