The Vulture, snow

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

An ‘all you can eat’-type of place down the street from me has shuttered up and is selling off their fixtures and supplies. Why, oh why, does this happen when I have no money? What do they have that I want? Well, there’s actually a good bit of stuff in there that lends itself to the preparedness lifestyle.

First and foremost, there are shelves to accommodate #10 cans…the kind of shelves where the cans roll to the front so you use up oldest stock first. That could be handy. More handy, there are bunches of #10 cans of foods that I actually use.

One thing they have that I really have a desire for are cafeteria trays. Yeah, cafeteria trays. Not the compartmented ones, just the normal flat ones with a raised lip at the edges. Why do I need them? These things are perfect for cleaning handguns. Everything is in one place, parts cant roll away and any solvent issues stay on the tray. Definitely gonna get some of those.

Then theres a few sundry items….cheap bowls and plates, gallon jugs of sals, hotsauce, etc….I’m sure that if I wanted I could buy a lifetime supply of paper napkins but those arent as useful to me as other items.

I was hoping for some steel wire shelving but that was one of the first things to go, unfortunately. The larger fixtures, like the ginormous Hobart mixers, ovens, etc, are way too big for me to get any use out of them. Some of the utensils might come in handy though.

It’s a sad thing when a business goes under. It’s the death of someones dreams and hopes. But, the business circle of life goes on and scavengers like me come in and pick the carcass. Opportunity is sometimes pretty tacky in how it presents itself, but present itself it does………
Honest to Crom snow day today. Probably about five inches of the stuff so far. I’m tempted to put on the winter whites, the bunny boots, and take the bioweapon out for a romp in the snowy hills. He loves him some snow. This weather is also a reminder that I need to go through my bag and make sure I have the proper cold weather gear in it, just in case. As you may recall, I wound up with an embarrassment of riches in terms of gloves/mittens so a few of those will get packed with the usual gear as ‘extras’.