Ok, this is fascinating. A blog of day to day existence during a zombie takeover of the world. Yeah its fiction, but many of the scenarios (food,water and ammo shortages, etc) are real-world enough to make it interesting. Regardless its a very entertaining read (go to the “Journal’ section) and one that I’m enjoying.
Less than a week to the election. Should be interesting.
I really need to pick up a radio scanner. I need something that will pick up cell phones (either by design [older style] or by mods), cordless phones, my intruder alarms (133.5 mHz) and the usual cop/fire traffic (150~ mHz)..needs to be durable, run on AA batteries, be adaptable to a larger antanae, be portable, have a backlit display and be reasonably priced. Anyone?

8 thoughts on “

  1. Hey, I picked up one of those slick little Exec Defender lights with the poinkies on the end for grinding into the bad guy’s neck. Any ideas on a mount for an AR with no rails?

  2. New Page 1

    Here’s another zombie apocalypse story… but you really need to go back to
    the beginning to apprecoate it…

    And of course, don’t forget

    I’m really the only one who gave their story any kind of ending, but some of
    the storylines where interesting until they died out…

  3. I assume that by “cell phones” you are implying AMPS phones which work in the frequency range of 800-900Mhz and use standard FM modulation. CDMA and TDMA phones are much harder to receive at 1.2-1.3ghz and 1.8-1.9ghz.

  4. New Page 1

    As for scanning, some people have old scanners that still work that can pick
    up cell phones, but since it’s illegal to do so we never do, of course. 
    heh.  Good luck finding someone willing to sell…

    You might want to find a group in your area similar to socalscan,
    or just subscribe to it even though you’re not local, and ask the guys. 
    There are some real experts out there and they love to help people out with
    equipment advice and such…

  5. Well, there are various manufacturers who make a mount for mini-MagLites. If the diameter of your SureFire is the same (or close enough) you would be able to use it in one of those mounts. Check the various ‘tactical gear’ websites for a MiniMagLite weapons mount and see what you find. ShomerTec springs to mind.

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