The World Turned Upside Down

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

So…what kind of world is it when you want to flee a Socialist leader and his economic policies, you expat yourself, and the country that takes you in because it is a bastion of freedom from such Socialists is……Russia? I didn’t know they had a 13% flat tax. How amazingly… Come up with better gun laws, less birthmarks on their women, and I might have to move.

In further examples of WTF-ery, we have these classified ads from yesterdays local paper:

img008The SKS has not been built that is worth $1300. And I don’t care how much cocaine and hookers it comes with, no Ruger AR is with $4300. And $2500 for an M&P that was dealering at around $600 a few months ago? Insane. And, please, lets not get started on the “Real US Army sniper rifle”. I will confess to being interested in the Ruger MKII, though…although I’de rather get it for $250.

And just to show that maybe things arent as hopeless as they seem, Here’s a shot from the post office today:

IMG_0582No more free Priority Mail tape for me to wrap my packages. Bummer. Hmmm…whats this scrawled at the bottom?

IMG_0581Well, someone has a sense of humour. Regrettably, it wasn’t me showing that sort of initiative.

Indeed, it’s an interesting world we’re in right now. Thats ‘interesting’ in the Chinese sense.