2005 starts…..

My concerns about 2004 failed to materialize… no terrorist attacks near the elections, no Mt St Helens explosion, no invasion from the Lizard Planet, no JFK (John F. Kerry), no real big issues. And this is a good thing.

Of course, it changes nothing…..I still have The List of things to get, still have books to read, still have skills to learn, still have experiences to try, etc, etc.

In other news, Im finally making progress on the shelving for the bunker. Ive been building some stand-alone shelving units and I think Im getting the hang of it. I hate ripping sheets of plywood with a circular saw rather than a table saw, but you go with what youve got. (Sort of the catchphrase of the prepared.)

Still need to play some more with my ultraniftyswellcool Primus Omnifuel stove. Need to pick up a couple butane cartridges for it just to have.

3 thoughts on “

  1. I don’t have a table saw either, so I use an 8″ strip of 3/4″ plywood ripped off the edge of a new sheet as a guide, and clamp it at each end with a pair of Vice-Grip 11SP locking clamps. I cut on a pair of sawhorses with enough long scrap 2x4s as a “table” to support both sides of the cut. It works quite well, but I have to do it outside, so weather is a factor.

  2. Yeah, I sprang for a two-piece aluminum straightedge guide that I clamp to the wood for making cuts and long dadoes and rabbets. Still want a table saw though…….

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