Wandering the streets of Philadelphia is an interesting experience when your good Commander is on an expedition. Having not lived in the confines of a city for a very long time I had forgotten how much welded steel and iron fencing people can slap up over their windows and doors. And riot gates…I had almost forgotten what riot gates look like. (And, now having been reacquainted with them, I may have to get some for the someday Rancho Ballistica). Id also forgotten what its like to walk and be around people whose main concerns in life seem to be having louder car stereos than their neighbors, wearing as much team-logo-festooned clothing as possible, and buying useless crap. Sadly, when Things Get Ugly these same people will be the ones expecting government to ‘do something’ and if those needs arent met will be the ones pulling apart that welded steel and iron fencing that is so decoratively covering someones basement windows.

For me a trip to the city is like spearing your hand in and out of a candle flame….if its fast and youre quick..in and out as fast as you can..you probably wont get hurt. But if youre too slow or stay too long youre going to get burned.

All things considered, Im not in a bad situation. The folks Im staying with have a small(!) amount of firepower and they are tucked away and hidden in a quiet neighborhood…but I’d feel better with my Glock, AK, armour, a supply of chemlights and radio gear.

I think the biggest cosmic practical joke that could be played on me would be the end of the world when Im 1,991 miles (according to my GPS) away from my happy, fortified, well-armed home.

2 thoughts on “

  1. If one must be in an urban or suburban environment (and we can’t all quit our jobs and move to the boonies, now can we…?) then it seems to me that a low profile is essential. If your security measures, your supply storage and your off-grid living capabilities are too well known in the neighborhood, then your neighbors will either come knocking when they run out of food, etc. (maybe violently if it’s dire enough), or else report you to the goons once they roll into town to “save” us.

    Traveling makes it even worse because then you don’t know what to expect. In Philly you can pack a pistol. What if you’re going to NYC or DC? You’d have to weigh the benefits of being armed (obvious) versus the possible liabilities (high-tech detector gizmos) for that short time.

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