Birthdays, Rawles website, chickeny goodness, shooty goodness

I received a birthday gift in the mail the other day. A long sought copy of ‘Pulling Through’ by Dean Ing. I’d been wanting a copy for years but good luck finding one. Ing apparently did a stint as a ‘survival writer’ in the 80’s before settling into Tom Clancy type thrillers. Not a bad read, the whole book covers a week in the life of a family waiting out the radiation in a bomb shelter. A very small slice of life that I wish was expanded on, much the way “Patriots” covered a lengthier time span. For OpSec I’ll withhold names but you know who you are and I thank you for something Ive been wanting for a while. Gracias!
Speaking of Mr Comma Rawles, turns out he has his own blogsite. Really. Here: A little preachy on the Christianity in spots but otherwise an interesting read. If you havent read his book “Patriots: Surviving The Coming Collapse” I highly recommend it. Sure its escapism with a dose of religion and UN bashing, but its a great technical read in terms of preperations, skills, etc, etc.

Mad props to atek128 for the headup.
Went to CostCo and picked up some chicken. I mentioned it elsewhere but I want to mention it again – theyre now selling boneless, skinless chicken breast in heavy vaccuum sealed pouches with date stamping. How utterly cool is that? No more having to vaccuum seal ten pounds of chicken and then write the dates with markers. no sir. Just open the package, dump all the individually wrapped and dated meat into a box, shove the box in the deep freeze and I am Good To Go. Uber convenient.
Did a bit of shooting the other day. I know Ive said it a million times but those AK’s are just Stone. Cold. Reliable.

3 thoughts on “Birthdays, Rawles website, chickeny goodness, shooty goodness

  1. Sure its escapism with a dose of religion and UN bashing, but its a great technical read in terms of preperations, skills, etc, etc.

    but I like UN bashing…
    Okay the Commie Pinko Gay Cannibals part was kinda over the top…


  2. Rawles is abit heavy on religion in “Patriots, Surviving the Comming Collapse” too. To paraphrase Mr. Rawles criticism of John Ross (“Unintended Consequences”), “all that religion, which detracted from and otherwise top-notch novel”.

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