Articles on shelters for the ‘elite’

Two articles on ‘elite’ shelters on the same day. Makes me think their marketing people must have sent out press releases or something. I maintain that the Vivos thing is like buying a timeshare on Mars – it’s yours..on paper.

Anyway, my skepticism aside, heres the articles:

As we roll down US Highway 41 in Terre Haute, Indiana , my guide insists I give him my iPhone. Then he tosses me a satin blindfold. The terms of our trip were clear—I wasn’t to know where we were going or how we got there.That’s because we’re on our way to the undisclosed location of an underground bunker designed to survive the end of the world, whatever form that apocalypse takes.

And this one:

When the end of the world comes, even wealthy people will not be spared.

Unless, of course, they’ve managed to buy themselves a spot in a massive underground apocalypse bunker.

Whilst is handy, because the super rich have been invited to buy up a place in a five star shelter in Rothenstein, Germany, which is designed to allow them to live underground for a year and then emerge “when the worst is over”.

Just 34 “high worth” families will be welcomed into the European doomsday den, with prices only available on application.

If you can afford to, essentially, throw away that kind of money on a heavily-armored timeshare, you can afford to simply have your own built and maintain your privacy, safety, and control.

They’re nice to look at, but when the zombies are roaming the streets, the last thing I’m going to care about is if the floors are Italian marble or Brazilian zebrawood.

9 thoughts on “Articles on shelters for the ‘elite’

  1. Seems like if you need a ready made bunker cause you don’t have the sense to see the problems with this time share plan, your not lasting long after the year underground if it ever worked. I don’t think you’d emerge with Cheeves the butler ready to look after you.

    I wonder who is supposed to make the call for all 34 families to bug out and close the hatch?

  2. Save your dough and build/equip your own shelter. OPSEC can’t exist in a place like this. You’re telling me every employee of this luxury bunker system won’t be showing up on doomsday with all his friends and relatives? Or all the guys on the construction crews that build the complex, for that matter?

    • Fairly certain most of the construction crew is long gone. Most (but by no means all) of these were built during the 50’s and 60’s; most of those hardhats are either dead or close to it.

      • Perhaps, but the rehabbing of the silo into this Bellagio-By-The-Apocalypse would have required a crew as well.

  3. My money is on the armed security (and their families and friends).

    “An armed security force employed by the company will handle threats from above—presumably the have-nots who want in.”

    • If the world gets to the point where the rich need to go to bunkers, then the economy will have changed such that those with money are not as powerful as those with guns. I think it will be the ones with guns giving the orders, in that situation.

        • Good old Robert Vicino, peddling another of his scams… Have to admire the cloak-and-dagger touch of the satin blindfold.

          And then one has to laugh at the incompetent and credulous “reporter” who couldn’t manage to do even the most basic research. Vivos’ “secret” location can be found with a simple search of publicly available tax records and building permits. There’s no way to hide something of this sort in a bureaucratic state.

          And the reliance on hired guards? How’d that work out for Rome? If the shit has hit the fan — to the extent that the “masters of the universe” are hiding in a hole in the ground in Indiana — why on earth would the hired guards be content to settle for the table scraps, while pulling all-night shifts on the fenceline? When the mushroom clouds — or the EMP, or the plague r whatever it is — pop up on the horizon, hired hands’ loyalties will disappear along with their electronic fund transfer’d paychecks. A signature on a piece of paper doesn’t count for much when the lawyers are being hunted for the stew pot.

  4. I’m in for the Brazillian Zebrawood, everyday. Cause, in a massive underground bunker, the cold, hard marble will be just to clinical, and not the warm, welcoming place that once needs to take the edge off after tough week slogging through the undead just to reach the place.

    I, for one, just hope the Scotch on hand isn’t that bland, generic crap.

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