Verifying images

Fact is, you can’t really believe everything you see. Right? You don’t have to be a chemtrail-sniffing Alex Jones fan to have a distrust of everything you read on the internet. A little Photoshop here, some constructive captioning there, and next thing you know there’s a re-animated Hitler shaking hands with Obama. Staying informed is a necessary part of preparedness, but how do you make sure that what you’re seeing is legit? I was stumbling around the internet and found this interesting article about how to verify that the video/images being presented to you on the internet are actually what they are presented as. Is that really a picture of a dead Osama Bin Laden? Is that really a picture of Syrian refugees rioting with police? There’s an old saying in journalism – “If your mother says she loves you, check it out.”

How to verify photos and video on social media networks.

1 thought on “Verifying images

  1. I’ve used Google’s image search to prove more than one story or photo fake, I didn’t know about the other tools though, very cool!

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