Entertainment – The Walking Dead

I’ve gotten out of watching TWD regularly. I let the DVR record it and then watch the whole season at once. (And, lemme tell ya, several hours of non-stop post-apocalypse viewing will cure any motivational issues you may have.) Anyway… I decided to go back to watching because TWD did a ‘time jump’ which they do every few seasons. In this case, they leapt ahead six years to give us this:

An utterly adorable 8-year-old with a Colt Python (which she holds better than Rick ever did) and a sword. (And, apparently, it’s still impossible to find a holster that fits a six-inch Python properly.)

There is something a little odd about seeing a tiny kid with a Python, but rationally it makes perfect sense. There’s a scene later in the episode where Michonne has an encounter that had the potential to turn violent. When its resolved peacefully, she turns around to see the kid providing overwatch with her Python. And the kids says: “..Dad would have wanted me to have it. To protect myself and the people I love.” Lovely sentiment and pretty much the reason many of us own guns.

What I’m going to find fascinating to watch is that this character will have absolutely zero normalcy bias. This kid will have been living in zombieland her entire life.. so itwill be interesting to see if they show that in her behavior, relational skills, pragmatism,emotional maturity, etc.

Certainly, what I’ve seen so far is a lot less annoying than Coral* ever was.

From a temporal standpoint, it is my understanding we are now six-years past Ricks last appearance, and Judith was about two when when that happened, so I’m saying it’s about eight years on at this point. And, from the looks of things, ammo is getting scarcer since virtually no one, except the eight-year-old, seems to be throwing bullets around.

*=For the humor-challenged who don’t get the joke, Rick always seems to pronounce Carl as ‘Coral’.

19 thoughts on “Entertainment – The Walking Dead

  1. When I was off-grid, it was worth the money for me to buy TWD on DVD. I’m not a fanboy, but I appreciated certain sociological aspects. And while the show has been leaning downhill for awhile, I never had huge expectations and was never really all that disappointed. Except the last season ( on Netflix ). It really seemed to have jumped the shark. While prior seasons I looked forward to binge watching, having to force myself to not miss meals or sleep, trying to stretch out the viewing to enjoy longer, the last one was simply boring throughout. I had to force myself to actually watch each new episode. Dull as dishwater. And annoying. Good gravy, the characters weren’t dying fast enough! To say nothing of previous bonehead writing getting much worse ( “I’m almost out of ammo, I better auto spray a slow zombie far away!” ) I sure hope they can do a better job on this current season.

  2. “Carol” – Hmmm, maybe Rick (Andrew Lincoln) didn’t pay sufficient attention during his “American as a 2nd Language” classes ?
    (Andrew is a Brit for those who didn’t know..)

  3. dodge, dip, dive, and dodge…why cant the TWD people out run slow moving zombies. also, if an ice pick kills the zombies why don’t they sport a 10/22 with 4x power scope, stacks of 25 round mags. you could carry 2000 rounds and have another 2000-4000 rounds in back pack. would be a good 22lr at every farm house. hell even a old tube fed 22lr. you could make a speed loaders out of a 5/16 tubing and drop 18 rounds in the tube/run the spring rod down, charge and ready to rock in few seconds. now world war z, whole different story.

    • The series has demonstrated that the zombies arent the real threat, it’s other people. So, if you were out poppin’ zombies with a .22 you might rack up a nice body count, but you’d be at the mercy of the first pickup truck full of bad guys with AR or AK rifles.

      Additionally, at a distance, the .22, would think, is going to have less penetration. While a zombie’s skull may become soft as it rots, there’s no guarantee all the zombies you encounter will be older ones that have started to rot away. Could be some guy who reanimated yesterday and his brainpan is still hard and solid…and the .22 at twenty yards might zip into it and scramble his brain, it might not be such a sure thing at a couple hundred yards…to say nothing of the exterior ballistic issues. I suppose if you were going to assemble some sort of ‘clean team’ to go out an exterminate as many zombies as possible, yeah a handful of guys with 10/22a (esp. suppressed) and a buttload of 25-rd mags would probably carpet the roads with bodies. But they’d be screwed the first time they came up on two guys with Ak’s. So, it would make more sense to keep a gun around that was suitable for undead and un-dead.

      • agreed, just did not want to type that much. save that centerfire for the the walking alive. find it interesting as the last TWD scene i watched, Rick was blowing up a bridge full of slow moving zombies. why….explosive and bridge may come useful in other areas of TWD war. not going to have DOT out fixing the bridge and the next hoard will just walk thru the creek. arm chair .25backing

        • The show that includes armed bad ass Judith is eight or so years into the zombie apocalypse and ammo is getting short, including 22lr.

          • you think zombies would be getting in short supply as well. even without ammo. TWD go to noise. buffalo jump them into few thousand metal Tpost @ say 1 foot part. those that are still TWD but stuck to a post just spear the head. evil me is talking. I think the one guy did that with barb wire. hung up and dispatched.

  4. Art imitating life. Speaking of youngsters with a .357, my first gun was a 6″ Blackhawk back in the mid 70’s. Shot full power mag loads when I first got it with no hearing protection. The mistakes I made when young and dumb are being paid for now. Got to be one of the loudest noises on earth.

  5. I think it was Season 6 when it started going into the toilet…every episode seemed to have 5-10 minutes of panning between main characters while some song played…I had a renewed interest in Fear The Walking Dead when Morgan crossed over…it took a lot darker turn this last season…

  6. This is one show I could never get into. Tried to watch the first episode and I was like, um. No. The hell with this.

    Not knocking you folks that like/follow it. It’s just ‘meh’ to me.

    • +1, if I want to see ugliness and brutality I’ll just go for a walk down by the bus station.

  7. Alexandria, Virginia is a major DC suburb. The area that rings DC has military installations about every 10 miles. One would think a military unit would have set up shop in the area shortly after the Zombie Apocalypse commenced. Quantico is 25 miles south. Fort Belvoir is less than 15 miles away. Andrews AFB also less than 15 miles away. Haven’t any of these idiots even looked at a map?
    They are still hot-wiring cars. Those batteries would be deader than a doornail. Not to mention the gas would have gone completely bad by then.
    None of them seems to have come up with a bite suit. Instead, they are wearing some weird Power Ranger/Mad Max chest protectors?
    People that actually know things should not watch this show. You just get pissed about how stupid it gets.

    • Pleased to see I’m not the only one annoyed by the stupidity…

      Leather motorcycle jackets, welders’ gloves, full-face helmets? No one has apparently considered personal protection over fashion — better to wear spaghetti-strapped tops or sleeveless vests, even if mosquitoes are a massive nuisance in the South in the here and now.

      Internal partition fences inside the “safe” zones? “Airlock” gates and sally ports? Simple mechanical interlocks that mindless zombies would be unable to puzzle out? Why spend a couple of days on labor in order to sleep securely…

      Stabbing zombies in the skull — a not-insubstantial bone — with a knife? Risking one’s hand sliding down onto the blade and being cut wide-open? When getting zombie blood into your bloodstream — as per the invariably-fatal bite trope — is a death sentence? What’s wrong with a big Phillips screwdriver and a fender washer tack-welded to the base of the blade?

      It’s hard to get invested in a narrative that’s so full of stupid. It can’t be that hard to puzzle things out, even in a world where the usual rules of physical reality have been so modified.

  8. I used to buy seasons of the show on dvd (best way to watch, without commercials) but I quit watching when I saw 2 guys kissing. Go peddle that satanic crap elsewhere.

  9. One or two years past the advent of the zombie apocalypse, wouldn’t most all the zombies have rotted apart into compost? I know that new zombies keep getting “made,” but sooner or later, in direct relation to the remaining human population, the number of new zombies decreases to near nothing.

    Unless zombies has some magical preservative factor, there really shouldn’t be any zombies left after three or four years–especially in states above the frost zone.

    • Its not that zombies have a preservative action working for them, but rather that many of the scavengers and bacteria that contribute to decay are repelled by the zombie infection. While normal components of decay continue, such as degradation from the environment and weather, many of the other decay mechanisms that involve living things are absent.

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