Shutdown, bans, snowshoes

Things continue apace….

This government shutdown has left me cold hungry broke helpless defenseless ..uhm…unchanged, really. I suppose tax refunds might be delayed but your withholding should be such that you don’t get a refund anyway. Id rather owe $150 to Uncle Sam in April than get a check back for $1500 he’s had for year without paying me interest.

Surely there are .gov employees who are staring down the barrel of diminished bank accounts. But…regardless of whether you’re a ‘gov employee or not, aren’t you supposed to have a couple months worth of expenses in the bank?

Anyway, I’ve little sympathy for the poor TSA goons, who seem to be the poster children for this adventure. But…if watching TSA goons suffer is the price to be paid for reasonable, common-sense illegal-immigration controls…well…so be it. I mean…if it saves just one life……


I see the goons in Washington are back up to their old tricks.

I have been to this dance before. I’ve seen the way the free market responds to a manufactured scarcity and it is not pretty. Fortunately, I have been untrusting of those people for longer than I can recall. So, while I am in no need to panic, I am in the need to help the fabulously short-sighted divest themselves of unnecessary greenbacks.  To that end, another case of AR mags showed up with the exclusive destiny of being sold at a later date for what Socialist Barbie would call ‘an obscene profit’.

It’s been four election cycles since the AW ban sunsetted. If someone waits until the next one to start buying..well…they deserve what they get charged. I won’t apologize.


Winter is in full swing here, but still not quite to the level that I can go play with my snowshoes. Dang it.

11 thoughts on “Shutdown, bans, snowshoes

  1. While I do wish for a far more limited government, it’s important to remember that this is not what we have here. We’re still paying for all of the furloughed government employees. At the end of this shutdown, they’ll get all the money they would have made during this time period, as if they had actually been working.

    What this is, is an extended delayed-paid vacation for government employees. Our taxes aren’t decreasing, but we’re just getting even less services than what we are paying for. Sure, I can live without many of those services, but a true shut down would come with a corresponding decrease in taxes.

    • You are right, Peter. Furloughed employees that return to work will be paid back pay. That’s why we have a window of opportunity to fire them all now! They won’t be returning to work. Alas, it’s all idle fantasy.

  2. ‘‘(iv) A grenade launcher or rocket launcher” ……. Really???

    I guess all the war trophy RPG’s and such brought back from Iraq/Afghanistan, M203’s and Mk 19 grenade launcher’s that were picked up at the local gun shows being sold out of the back of Bubba’s 4×4 pickup, are just going to have to be voluntarily turned in.

    I’d be willing to bet Feinstein and Schumer aren’t willing to knock on anyone’s door themselves. It’s a whole lot easier to sit on their hi horse and delegate their personal ideologies, rather than serve the interests of the people…….

    I’m with you Commander Zero, time to ramp up the workload for FedEx and UPS more than usual in order to help the spread of Capitalism.

  3. I saw a funny nickname for Socialist Barbie that I’d love to see enter common usage:

    Occasional Cortex

  4. I have been warning people I know for a while now (really hard since mid-Nov). Many are so wrapped up in the merely-urgent, they can’t (or won’t) see what’s coming.

    As you said “I’ve been to this dance before”. If the opportunity presents itself to “help the fabulously short-sighted divest themselves of unnecessary greenbacks”. Last time I had an AR (NIB) that was a spare, plus several “extra” AR magazines, some Glock mags, and some .22LR ammo that didn’t didn’t work well in my guns that I wanted to get rid of anyway (selling it for 8x what I paid for didn’t hurt my “feel bads” at all).

    I have spoken to those who I care about. Others that I know are looking at the things that are happening with concern and I’ve giving as much “free” advice as they can absorb. If they fail to act (or even listen) then I am sure all their Facebook “Friends” will bail them out when times get tough.

  5. We have plenty of snow here in the Great Plains that we can spare.
    Bring a large dump truck or trailer, we’ll fix you right up !

  6. The link:

    “I see the goons in Washington are back up to their old tricks.”

    Is an old link from 2017.

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